Chapter 1

514 14 1

Year - 2050

James Boston POV

I was walking through the wilderness in some sort of peace that I haven't felt in so long.  My feet hitting the floor and dry branches breaking them in the process, I was holding an MP5 in my hands.

"Really is quiet today, wonder why?" I continue to walk further into the forest while scanning my surroundings for any animals or enemies.


I was listening to music while in class which was honestly the same shit over and over again.  Robotics class really isn't that hard when you get the hang of it, sort of becomes dry at some point.

'Really wish I took a different class now, so boring' I thought to myself while looking out the window.

"-mes....JAMES!!!!"I jumped when I heard my name being called out by the teacher, I turn to look and he was staring daggers at me.

"I'm this close on kicking you out James, pay attention!" He exclaims before turning back around to his board.

I look him up and down with a nasty look but sighed and started writing stuff down.  'Mr. Dick is one of my teachers for Robotics....or I should say wannabe teacher.  He doesn't know anything of robotics nor does he teach it.'

He's one of those "I teach and you don't learn" or whatever the fuck it is, doesn't matter to me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a poke on my right which turn to and see Amy, one of my few friends even if she's an anthro.

"You okay? You seem out of it ever since this morning you know." She said while looking down a little making eye contact with me.

"I'm fine Amy, just didn't sleep well last night" I reassured her with a small smile which she took and dropped the suspicions

"If you say so....midget" She said with a smug look which I give her a *Really* look.

"Just because you're taller than me huh?  Fuck you..." I flip her off in a teasing manner which she tried to hold her laugh.  I smile softly at her resistance.

Seeing her smile like that was like a ray of sunshine, almost blinding to be honest.  It was beautiful


I smile softly while remembering the good times with her in class.  "I do hope I find you one day Amy....One day" I said out loud while looking up at the sky.

I kept walking through the forest, wet noises coming from the bottom of my feet with all the mud.  I eventually stop and scout the area for a good place to rest for a little.

*sigh* "Walking for hours really is a pain in the ass, I'm almost out of water as well"
  I see a slightly plain area and approach it, setting my bag down and sitting down at a log.

Grabbing the water bottle out of the pocket of my bag and downing it all in one gulp.  "Water is out, another reason to be out here looking for resources" I said in annoyance before throwing it away and relaxing a little.

I breathe in deeply, holding it in for a few seconds before letting it go.  I stretch my neck a little and breathe in again, held it and exhaled.

I open my eyes again and inspect the area again, seeing only Mother Nature itself before spotting something on the floor infront of me.  I raise an eyebrow and stand up to inspect it.

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