【Regret】 Chapter 22

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The afternoon sun hit the group as they walked through the forest. Well, Sesshomaru and Jaken walked Rin and (Y/n) sat on Ah-Un to get out of the sun and rest under the parasol. (Y/n) was humming to Taishiro in his arms as he sat with one arm holding his son and the other holding Ah-Un's reins as Rin sat behind him kicking her feet playfully trying to entertain herself as she held the parasol above the two of them.

"Lord (Y/n), when do you think Taishiro will... hatch? Bloom? Be born..." She asked, tilting her head wondering what to call Taishiro's birth. (Y/n) smiled, tilting his head in thought before Sesshomaru turned his head to look back at them.

"Soon." That is all Sesshomaru said before continuing to look forward and walk.

"My husband, how do you know?" (Y/n) asked, tilting his head as he grabbed Ah-Un's reins and made him walk beside Sesshomaru, making him look down at him as Sesshomaru looked up at (Y/n).

Sesshomaru stopped walking for a moment, making the group pause, then pointed at Taishiro and opened his mouth to speak.

"He's turning pink," Sesshomaru muttered as he pointed at the pink starting to show in the large lotus Bud as it bloomed a little more each week. The tips started turning a lovely Rosie hue, as the ends were a teal green.

The group looked at the bud, blinking a little, and then gave an ooooo look as lightbulbs flashed in their heads.

"What will he look like?" Rin asked Sesshomaru, who went back to walking which unpaused the group's small break. Sesshomaru glanced at the small girl before looking straight again.

"I do not know. It's a child. It'll look like its parents." Sesshomaru answered in his usual tone, which sounded less cold than normal. (Y/n) smiled and held up the lotus Bud to the sun.

"I'm sure he'll be great! He'll do great things and be just like you, my husband." (Y/n) giggled as he nuzzled against the buds' petals, feeling a small warmth in its core. (Y/n) then had a thought that he'd ask Sesshomaru later. He wanted to see his reaction. It could be funny and even make him flustered. The flustered part was just a stretch.

As night came, the group got settled into bed. Rin was sleeping next to Ah-Un for warmth as Jaken snored off to the side, close to the fire. (Y/n) was nuzzled next to Sesshomaru, his head resting on his chest as Sesshomaru had his eyes closed as he rested his head against a tree. The Lotus bud was in its basket and the two fathers were nuzzling up against each other. (Y/n) remembered his thoughts from earlier that day and decided now would be the time to ask.

"Will we stop at just one child?" (Y/n) said with a soft giggle as he sat up and looked down at Sesshomaru, whose eyes shot open and he also quickly sat up.

Sesshomaru as sat up and looked down at (Y/n) and blinked a few times, his eyes slightly wide, yet he had to keep that same expression on his face he always wore but (Y/n) could tell he was in shock and slightly speechless. He then calmed his slight shock as he brought a hand to lift (Y/n)'s chin to see if he was serious.

"You wish for more?" Sesshomaru asked with a small tilt of his head. (Y/n) flushed a bit. He wasn't sure what he gained from asking this, but... having more of Sesshomaru's children didn't seem like a bad idea.

"... Maybe..." (Y/n) muttered, scratching his cheek with a little awkward laugh. Sesshomaru blinked a few more times before bringing his lips to (Y/n)'s and giving him a small kiss.

"The Hanako lotus bud is a rare flower to find," Sesshomaru said as he broke the kiss and kept his hand lifting (Y/n)'s chin because he knew if he let go, (Y/n) would get flustered and look away.

(Y/n) gave a small sad face, tilting his head a little and looked up at Sesshomaru with a disappointed expression. "So that means we can't have more kids?" He asked softly.

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