Bloody Furiosa

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Shot of the doorknob and the hand twisting the knob in impatience, followed by some loud knocks on the glass door.
Shot of Bop stepping away from the door, gasping for breath, furious in anger, tear filled eyes, smudged mascara and a red lip not from lipstick but from the nervous nibbling.
Whining under her breath, Bop steps back to break the door open.
Latch unlocks, door opens;
(Breathes heavily in disappointment) There is no way you would listen to any of my words which clearly explains my point! (Turns around with his hand on his forehead) A little less
emotion would have saved a lot of things! A lot of things! but you never seem to hold on to yourself, do you? (screams) DO YOU???
Bop whimpers, bursting out in tears
(furiously) Good god now! Are you not done embarrassing me? Is anything ever enough?
Does any of your emotions ever know boundaries? (sighs) For Fuck’s sake, come in!
Bop enters with her head tilted and down; reaches to the lampshade corner and switches off all the lights.
SANDMAN stares at her in confusion
(confused) Why would you switch off the lights right now?
Without breaking the eye contact, Bop undoes her robe and to the revelation she is wearing a sheer lingerie in black, a figure-hugging bikini suit glazing her skin in the golden light.
(SANDMAN Sighs in Disappointment and furiously takes a deep breath and blows out)
YOU MUST BE JOKING NOW!!! Seriously! Look how pathetic you’ve become. I am never going to find you attractive anymore. Not like this! Stop with all these stupid shenanigans and get on with your life. Personal advice to you Bop (pointing his pinched fingers towards her) – Feel everything a bit less and take a break, TAKE A FUCKING BREAK! try therapy and let
go of people when they want you to. Don’t try to project your issues on me and expect me to heal you.
Bop starts to hum in a feeble breathy tone and gently pushes SANDMAN towards the cushioned sofa, while he holds his head in disappointment and anger.
(In a stern voice) Now if you’re not going to stop at this mome-
Bop pulls out a bun stick from her hair and points it towards him. It has an unusually sharper edge. Struck by surprise SANDMAN says nothing.
What is it Bop? What are you trying to do? That is really dangerous near skin. Keep it aside.
Bop continues to hum.
(With a nervous chuckle) Bop, stop with this. You’re scaring me. I don’t think it’s safe for you to have this.
SANDMAN tries to pull the bun stick from her hold.
Bop pulls back in rush only to push the needle right through his throat thrice.
Blood oozes and SANDMAN tries to cover the hole with his bare hands. SANDMAN gurgles and rasps
(Singing Mr. Sandman) Bring me a dream.
SANDMAN’s eyes all teared up in agony and fear
(Fearfully and still gurgling) What? Bop Please, I love you. You love me! Don’t do this.
Bop lifts her right leg to step on his thigh plunging with the Louboutin’s edge.
Sandman cries in pain and horror
Make her the cutest that I have ever seen
Bop stabs thrice again on his chest
Tell her that her lonely nights are over
She starts to stabs violently and sings in stressed syllables.
Shot of blood splattering all over her face
Mr. Sandman I’m so alone, don’t have nobody to call my own.
SANDMAN lies lifeless. Blood streaming way out on to the floor.
BOP (Contd.) (singing)
Bring me a dream, SANDMAN.
She does her hair in bun and pushes the bloody bun stick to hold her hair in place. Sits down and rests her head on his knee.
(Sings) Mr. Sandman Bring me a Dream
Shot of Bop’s hands being washed in the basin; she does her makeup right.
She ties her coat’s robe neatly in a perfect bow.
Shot of tissues being taken from the drawer; Bop cleans the blood off her Louboutin’s heels and pins it on the hair of the lifeless corpse imitating a Bloody Furiosa.
Shot of her leaving the house, with a freshly prepared chicken sandwich, nibbling on it.
A walk of such innate femininity fading through the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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