Chapter 3

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As usual everyone was in their dispersal line waiting for the dispersal prayer to start. And our Ishani was busy staring at him.

Unfortunately today it was taking a lot of time for the dispersal prayer to start. And then one teacher came near the microphone and started announcing some names of the winners of the competition that was held earlier.

Many students were going to the stage to take their take their trophies. Just then the teacher announced a name "Pravin". And the boy who was all the time in Ishani's mind went to the stage to take the prize.

Though Ishani was not at all paying attention to what the teacher was announcing but when she saw Pravin going near the stage she started clapping happily. She had a wide smile on her face. She thought how talented her boy was(shabra rakho abhi tumhara boy hua nehi heh). She was beyond happy that she even got to know his name.

On the other hand Khushi saw Ishani's extra happy behavior and was thinking that the thoughts of Pravin should not conquer Ishani's mind.

Khushi was scared because she knew that Pravin was a playboy and Ishani having crush on that playboy was not at all a good thing. She knows Ishani too well. Once she falls in love or gives her heart to someone it is very hard for her to unlove that person.

"I hope that this stays just as her mere crush". Khushi whispered to herself.

But what she didn't know was that Pravin had already made a place in Ishani's heart. She fell in love with him the first day she saw him. It was love at first sight. Though she wouldn't admit it herself but at last heart wants what it wants.


Ishani has fallen in love guys!!
What do you all think about Khushi?
Will Pravin play with Ishani's heart too?
Eager to know how they both will meet?
For that stay tuned💋!!

Hey peeps hope you liked this chapter🤍. And please feel free to tell me if there is any problem.
I will be back with another chapter.


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