2-6: Shit Happens

Start from the beginning

Kamari laughs his ass off, "This is so not funny!" Manny shouts

"You're right it's fucking hilarious!" Kamari shouts laughing, "Cmon babygirl let's wash up in the bath." The two of them leave

"What?! He's still in love with her?!" Katy shouts

Shortly after Kamari stands with manny infront of her aunt and uncle, "Uhh...Hi..." Kamari says

(Yes Manny still has paint on her.)

"Are you fucking my niece?" Her Aunt who's never seen before but I'll just make up a name: Alejandra

Eduardo, Maria, and Manny gag on their drinks, "I'm sorry what?" Kamari asks

"Are. You. Fucking. My. Niece?" Alejandra asks

"I...I don't think I should answer that..." Kamari says

"It's a simple question! Are you putting your dick into my nieces pussy! Are you bending her over the table and razzle dazzling her snazzle? Are you-" Alejandra begins

"I! Understand...Uhhh..." Kamari looks back at manny for a little fucking help, she shrugs, "So like if I answer this...will I be in danger if I say yes?"

"We will know if you answer." Alejandra says

Kamari sighs, "Yes." Kamari says

"Ok...Manny...¿Dejaste que esta escoria profanara tu condición de mujer?" She asks

Kamari is taken aback.

"Tía Alejandra, tienes que entender que él no se parece a nadie con quien haya deleitado mis ojos." Manny responds

"¡De qué estás hablando, míralo, no se parece en nada a Diego!" Alejandra shouts

"¡Diego era escoria!" Manny shouts

"¡Diego te trató bien a diferencia de este tonto! ¡Dejaste que te toque!" Alejandra shouts

"Tienes razón." Kamari calls out, Alejandra is taken aback, "Sí... Manny y yo hemos tenido relaciones sexuales varias veces. pero aun sin tener relaciones supe con certeza que estaba enamorado de ella, ella es como el sol, no puedo empezar mi día sin ella, y no puedo descansar sin ella en mis brazos... Alejandra amo a Manny ... y no me detendré en que puedes aceptarlo o vivir el resto de tus días odiando..."

Alejandra backs up, "I misjudged you, I apologize...You are very obviously deeply in love with my niece and would never hurt her. So welcome to the family." Alejandra says shaking Kamari's hand she then walks off with Eduardo

"Cmon let's get you washed up, Mom uhhh go socialize and Katy stay with mom ok?" Kamari asks

"Fine." Katy says

Manny leads Kamari upstairs smirking, "Don't be naughty now." Kamari says chuckling

The two walk upstairs and Katy breaks away from Maria, she slowly walks upstairs and sees through the crack of a door.

"Get the paint off you first ya horn dog." Kamari says

Manny sprays water on him, "Now you've got no choice but to join me."

Kamari sighs and she sprays him again, "Ok! Ok you win." He says undressing and walking in with her

Katy pushes the door open slightly and peeks in, there through the shower's condensation she sees Kamari's whole ass backside...including his whole ass.

We slowly pan into the shower and see manny has backed him against the shower and is kissing him passionately.

Katy glares at this scene as the two kiss in the shower, and soon enough they begin to have S.E.X.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katy growls, she puts multiple cameras around the house and then walks down the stairs annoyed.

A while later the changed clothes couple walk down the stairs, manny looks like she just got that GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD DYICK!!!

Kamari takes a seat next to his mother and manny sits on Kamari's lap and lays against his chest, "Ok Kamari, How was your shower?" Alejandra asks

"I'm clean. That's all that matters." Kamari says smiling

"So have you met my sister yet?" Alejandra asks

"I have not, you're actually the first member of manny's family I've met...well you and him." Kamari says, "Speaking of hi I'm Kamari."

"Eduardo...you like music?" Eduardo asks

"I love music." Kamari says

Eduardo smirks, "Buffalo Soldier! In The Heart Of America!" Eduardo shouts

"Stolen from Africa! And brought to America!" Kamari shouts

"Said he was fighting on arrival, Fighting for survival!" Both shout everyone laughs

"I like him manny!" Eduardo shout

"So do I..." Manny says kissing his neck

"Settle down there." Kamari says rubbing his cheek against hers

"And who is this?" Alejandra asks

"That's Katy she's a friend who wanted to come with, don't worry she's cool people." Kamari says

"I hope." Alejandra says

We Cut To It Being Late At Night, Kamari carries a sleeping manny to bed. He sets her down and backs up but she pulls him back in.

"I'll be right back." Kamari says breaking away from her, He leaves the room and nearly screams when Katy is infront of him, "Katy? The guest room is downstairs why are you here?"

"Stop playing games with me Kamari." She says getting closer

"Woah!" He shouts pushing her back, "No."

"We're both thinking it let's act on our instincts!" She shouts

"Katy I mean it stop..." Kamari says backing up

"You don't really love that bitch. Me and you both know that you love me." She says grabbing his arm

"Katy!" He shouts grabbing her arm and freeing her grip before pushing her aside, "No...First thing in the morning I'm taking you home and I mean it!"

Kamari runs downstairs, Katy walks over to a camera. She grabs it and smirks before leaving.

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