The insecticons looked at her in shock and surprised at the fact that she can transform. They then quickly understand what she is trying to say and nodded their heads.
Aurora nodded her head in appreciation and runs back to the front of the ship and transforms into her dragon form.
Aurora then turns her head and roars at the insecticons for them to hold on. The insecticons transforms and they all grabbed onto each side of the ship, including the front and the back.

Meanwhile, megatron was still in the control room, trying to stay balanced.
"Sir!" One of the henchmen's shouted.

Megatron then turns his head to him, "What is it?!" Megatron shouted.

The henchmen was then busy typing on the ships key board, "Something is lifting the ship and trying to... make the ship land safely." The henchmen exclaims.
He then pulls up the screen to show megatron.

Megatron looks over at the main screen and noticed aurora and the insecticons trying to land the ship. Megatron's eyes widened as he saw aurora.
Breakdown, dreadwing, and knockout then enters the room, "What is all of cybertron is going on?!" Dreadwing asks.

Megatron then turns to them, "aurora is trying to land the ship safely." Megatron exclaims.

Their eyes then widens, "She is what?! We need to get her out of there before she gets hurt!" Knockout shouted.
"With all do respect, my liege, we cannot allow her to risk her spark for us!" Breakdown stated.

Megatron understood what they are saying and understood about their concerns.
Before megatron could say anything, the ship has then landed with a big 'thunk' sound.
They all quickly turn to the screen and noticed that aurora was exhausted and collapsed on the bridge.
They all then ran out of the room and quickly tries to run out of the ship.

While aurora groaned in exhaustion, her muscles aching, she then uses some of her strength to get up.
She then looks over at the insecticons, She transforms back into her human body and looks up at them, "T-thank you all for helping me, I am forever grateful." Aurora stated as she lowers her head in appreciation.

The insecticons looks at one another and looks back at aurora, they all then kneeled down before her in respect, "We appreciate your gratefulness and we wish for you to be our queen." One of the insecticons said.

Aurora looks up at them in slight shock and in slight surprise, "W-what? No, i can't accept that! You all helped me and i should be the one repaying you guys." Aurora stated.

The insecticons then looks back at her, "All tho that may be true, but we can see what kind of a leader you can turn out to be, and we wish for you to be our queen, our leader, someone we can rely on." The insecticons said.

Aurora then slightly looks away and thinks, 'Well they can't just be by themselves, they'll be lost and lonely, not to mention they might hurt people.' Aurora thought to herself.
She then looks back at them, "Alright, i'll be your leader, but then that would mean that you and your kind won't hurt my friends. Do i make myself clear?" Aurora stated.

The insecticons then bows before her in appreciation, "Thank you, we will be sure to keep that in mind." One of the insecticons said.

Aurora nodded, and then felt dizzy, she started to loose balance and just went limp and fell onto the ground.
The insecticons quickly noticed and approaches her with worry, "Are you alright?" The insecticon asks.
Aurora looks up at him and nods slightly, "Yeah, just need to get back to my friends and make sure that they're okay." Aurora exclaims.

And soon, one this led to another, megatron and the others ran out of the ship and runs over to aurora.
Knockout quickly runs past the insecticon and picks aurora up, "Aurora, are you alright?!" Knockout asks in a worried tone.

Aurora looks up at him and nods, "Yeah, just... exhausted from saving your guys's tail-pipe." Aurora joked.

They then took her inside the ship and brought her to the med-bay. While the insecticons have decides to watch out for any dangers around the ship, while one of the insecticons makes sure that aurora was alright.

Knockout was then busy treating aurora, and soon enough, aurora passes out from the exhaustion and the muscle aches, not to mention the horrible headache she has.

~Time skip~

After a while, megatron enters the med-bay and walks over to knockout, "Is she alright?" Megatron asks.

Knockout turns around with his cyber-ipad and checks aurora's charts, "She is doing alright, my liege, but she will need some time to recover, it would seem that her muscles couldn't take that much weight of the ship that made her muscles give later on." Knockout explains.

Megatron nods and walks over to aurora, only to be blocked by an insecticon, "That is close enough." The insecticon stated.

Megatron soon looks at the insecticon before him and glared at him, "I want to see if she is alright, don't make me loose my temper." Megatron said in the calmest tone that he could ever muster.

The insecticon snarls at him but moves away to grant him passage, in order to avoid any fighting.
Megatron then walks past him and walks over to aurora who was curled up in a ball, resting her head on her arm, and flinches when her muscles ached.
Megatron sighs in guilt and raised a hand, he brings his hand closer and starts to lightly pet her head.
He soon noticed that aurora let out a satisfied sigh and grew a slight smile, megatron tilts his head slightly and doesn't realise that he was also growing a smile at her.

Knockout then walks over and stands beside him, he looks up at him but quickly noticed a slight smile on his face. "My liege, are you... smiling?" Knockout asks.

Megatron was then startled and quickly turned his face into a stern face, he then turns to knockout, "One word of this and i will personally rip for voice box out!" Megatron scolded.

Knockout quickly nods, "No need to worry about that, my liege." Knockout stated.
He then bring up the cyber-ipad, "But i just came here to tell you that she would be sleeping for a while, so i was just informing you about it before you come to any conclusions." Knockout explains.

Megatron grumbles and looks back at aurora, "Alright, I will be taking her to my room, so i can keep an eye on her." Megatron stated.
Knockout doesn't question and walks away.
Megatron gently picks aurora up and holds her, as he was about to leave, he was then blocked again by the insecticon. "Where do you think your going with our leader?" The insecticon asks.

Megatron then raised a brow, "What do you mean your leader? I am clearly taking aurora, not your leader." Megatron questioned while rolling his eyes.

The insecticon then grumbles, "Your holding our new leader, she has shown us that she is more then capable of being our worthy leader." The insecticon stated.

Megatron tilts his head, slightly confused, he then looks down at aurora and gave a quiet chuckle, "All tho that may be true, but i am simply gonna watch over her and make sure she is safe and secure." Megatron exclaims as he looks back at the insecticon.
The insecticon grumbles but soon understood was he was saying and stepped aside.

Megatron then walks past the insecticon and proceeds to walk back to his room.
Once he was in his room, he lays down and puts aurora on his chest and lays his one hand on her gently.
He then rests his head on his other hand. He soon exhales deeply and was lost in thought.
He couldn't understand the things he was feeling, and couldn't understand what his feelings mean.
He soon drifted off to sleep and was holding aurora close to him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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