Extra: Views of our characters

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This is a really random part which you can surely skip. But if you still choose to stay and read, enjoy!!

Author: Miheer? What do you think about Siddhant and Chavi's relationship?

Miheer: Ahoy! Bhai and Bhabhi's relationship? Hmm.... I think they are too weird. Even as a couple. I mean Bhai is totally whipped and bhabhi is savage. They give me a headache sometimes.

Author: So you don't like them?

Miheer: What? No! Of course I love them. No matter how weird they are, I love them. That's what makes me the perfect child of the family, doesn't it?
*Smiles sweetly*

Author: ahem ahem... perfect child? Sure.

Author: Okay. Now Mehul chachu, what are your thoughts?

Mehul: Me? I am fine with their love acts as far as they let me eat food of my choice.

Author: Woah. You have your priorities straight. Nice nice.

Next question. Are you single?

Mehul: Didn't you realised yet? 52 chapters in and you are still asking me this? Being the smartest person in the family, I decided not to get distracted by stuff like love and women. So yea, I'm single. Proudly.
*Carries on eating his samosa sneakily*

Author: Aaah...alright. Mr. Smartest. We got it!

Author: Hey Naksh? How you doing?

Naksh: Hey! Am fine thanks for asking.

Author: Osm. So, we have a question. Like to answer?

Naksh: Sure, shoot.

Author: What was your thoughts when you got to know the misunderstanding that happened between Siddhant and Chavi, because of Miheer?

Naksh: Umm well...nice question by the way. My views? I would say, I was kinda shocked considering the fact I never ever looked at Chavi with that point of view.

Sure she is pretty and nice. And my closest colleague who now is also my best friend. But my heart belongs to someone else. So to be honest, I could only laugh at that situation. So yea...

Author: I see...

So, what did you think when you got to know that Miheer is not Chavi's brother but actually her brother in law?

Naksh: I was surprised. But then I liked the fact that she made him feel more homely. Because, I'm pretty sure had she not introduced him like this, he wouldn't have been so comfortable around.

So it was a good move I would say.

Author: Niceee. I like your opinions. You are a sorted person.
*Thumbs up*

Author: Sanyaaa! New mama! How ya doing???

Sanya: I want cake.

Author: Uhh...what?

Sanya: I want a cake. Please. A vanilla cake with no chocolate chips at all. To survive my son's tantrums and daughter's burps, I need to have this cake ASAP.

Lakshya in background: "I'll go to the bakery and bring the cake asap love. Just wait for a while."


Author: Soooo! You guys have twins?

Sanya: Pretty much seems like it!



Author: Haha no thanks! You enjoy.

We'll leave now.

Tada! And if was a little chat with some characters of ours!

Hope you all enjoyed this section.

With this, it marks the end of 'DARLING DISTANCE'.

Meet you guys soon! Till then, b-bye and take care<3

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