48. confessions and softy

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Chavi's eyes widened and the heart started beating loudly at that. She stopped eating her half melted softy and looked at him, giving Siddhant her undivided attention.

"What?" She was dumbfounded. Sure they have been flirting with each other so frequently and have shared each other in the most intimate senses, but an official confession was still due in between them.

And as surprising as it sounds, Chavi didn't even expect that to ever happen between these two.

"Yes. You heard me. What if what you think is the wrong idea, is actually the correct one? What if I, Siddhant Sharma who thought that I might be head over heels for you in the first meeting, have actually fallen hard for you?" He asked desperately.

"I know...I mean I know you like me enough. But falling hard? Love is a big word Sid." She said looking down. Unsure on what to say.

"I know it's a big word, but my feelings for have been growing bigger with time. I mean, you know every time you call me or message me, it's like I've been waiting for that for hours.

You might think I'm crazy and all but I'm actually counting how many days left until you come back home. On my phone calendar.

And the time you surprised me that night, when you were in India for a week, I can't even expect how much I thought it was a dream and wished for it to never end.

And this time, yesterday, when I surprised you and saw your reaction, I knew I actually loved you. We have been married for a year and have shared many memories together. Even though there was distance between us, it was a darling distance. Since it made me realise my true feelings for you."

And now, Chavi was speechless.

"I know I have never said this before, but I want to scratch that. I need to say it now.

I really really really love you, Chavi Sharma." She froze on her spot.

For her, he has always been the crush for her, whom she already had. But hearing these words from him, her mind was doing a happy dance.

"Ok." She replied and he frowned.

"Just ok? What kind of reply is this? At least tell me if I'm alone in this ocean of feelings?" He said to her in a plea tone and she bit her lips to surpass the smile which was forming on her face.

Then, she pulled him by his shirt collar and kissed him on the lips. About ten seconds later, she pulled back and there was a big goofy smile on both of their faces.

"Now you know that you are not alone in this ocean of feelings." She replied and he pulled her closer.

"I love you too big boy." She replied and they were about to kiss again.

When the security guard came.

"HEY BRATS! THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO SHOW YOUR AFFECTION. GO AND GRAB A ROOM. AND LEAVE NOW, WE ARE 'BOUT TO CLOSE." as soon as they heard the voice, both of them flinched.

As the security guard was running behind them, they both ran to save their lives.

Once outside, and inside the car. They both looked at each other for a minute. Then ended up laughing like idiots.

"Damn. That was.... hilarious." She commented.

"Yea. And now you know how fun I am to be around." He replied. While she shook her head in a yes, still laughing like a mad man and a mad woman.

"You are so adorable coochi poochi." She said and pulled both his cheeks.

And that was the moment they realised...

That there was some melted softy on her hands. Which was now on his face.

"What the hell." They both said at the same time.

"My softy!!!! I think I dropped it in the park." Chavi cried. And Siddhant looked at her in disbelief.

"There's some mess on my face and you are crying over your softy? Are you for real right now?" He asked and started cleaning the cream on his face with his hanky.

"Shut up. I love you, but I love food more." And she carried on crying her eyes out for the dam softy.

While he just shook his head and drove them home.

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