30. sorted matters

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As the days passed, she recieved more gifts and things. Not only materialistic but also majestic.

She first thought he was trying to woo her with money and gifts. But soon realised how every single gift had some back story to it.

Like, the first bouquet of flowers. There, the red roses symbolises love and the purple hyacinths symbolises apology and mercy.

Then, the watch she recieved after that was the same edition her mother had given her on her wedding, but it broke after a month. She cried alot that day. Tho Sirat gifted her a new edition even prettier watch, but Siddhant could see she still wanted the same one.

So he got her one.

Then, the third gift was a pack of all her favourite chocolates. He knows her undying love for chocolates so he sent her so.

And as the weeks went by, she received two gifts every week. After until two weeks and four gifts later, she finally decided to call him and speak to him.

"Hello love?"

A voice so deep and husky invaded her insides and she couldn't do anything.

Hearing him after so long seemed so foreign yet familiar to her. She almost teared up.

"Hello?" She asked him back and instantly felt her lost happiness all these days.

"How are you love?" He asked, ever so politely. He knew she will apparantly forgive him. But...what if she was insecure? He wanted to vanish every insecurity of her for the rest of their life.

His one mistake taught him alot and so did it changed her alot.

"I..I am fine." She replied, hesitatingly.

"How are you?" She asked after a few seconds.

"Surviving without you." His reply did something in her heart but she ignored it.

"The gifts...ahem..thankyou for them. Tho they weren't really needed." She came to the point and instantly regretted her choice of words. Was she so rude just now?

"They were, love. They were necessary. And it's nothing. Not even the bare minimum. The things I wants to do for you, not only for ammendment of my mistake but also because I realised something....I can't do them because of work right now.

But don't worry, soon when we'll meet, I will definitely show you how great things you are worth of. I am absolutely sorry for accusing you and saying things so low. I believe you more than I believe myself I swear. I was just....an insecure man." He ended and she wondered what more must be going on his mind.

Tho she didn't pry.

"It's fine Siddhant. I forgive you. Maybe I overreacted too. And where will this angriness take me, take us too? Hmm? I forgive you and am sorry myself. Just stop sending these expensive things." She said and sighed.

"You have all the rights to overreact Chavi. And it's just the start. You gonna receive much more now." He said with a cheeky smile on his face. Not that she could see though.


"No buts and ifs. Either stick with it or....stick with it." He replied making her frown.

"Bastard." She muttered under her breathe.

"Only for you love." She could practically hear him wink at this.

And they both were glad now that things were sorted.

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