Chapter Eight

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The subsequent arrival of the Bolton family sent the house into a tailspin, but only one person didn't appear interested. With all the work we had to do to ensure the guest rooms were prepared, I had only had time to slip the letter from Miss Oleson onto Mr Turner's writing desk when I was turning down his bed. What I did notice was how unhappy he was with our imminent visitors.

I wasn't too keen on the idea, either.

Lord Turner's request that I be at her beck and call added to an already heavy workload, and I wasn't too keen on running around after someone else. Yet I had accepted the request and couldn't do anything about it, as much as I wanted to. If I had it my way, I would have kept my distance from Margaret Bolton until the end of her visit.

"She won't ask too much of you, Lily," Martha said as we aired out of the guest rooms two days before their arrival. "Miss Bolton will have her own staff."

"I know, but I would rather be able to focus on the jobs I have to do around the house than worry about being available to her."

Martha raised an eyebrow at me. "Jobs, as in all the time you get to spend with Mr Turner? I expect he is thrilled she is coming to stay."

"Maybe not. He's been in a sour mood since we all found out."

That was an understatement. Mr Turner had been on heightened alert since everyone found out. He flinched whenever I moved too quickly and reacted to every door closing in the house, even if it was his own. Miss Bolton's imminent visit put him on edge.

"Paul said that Miss Bolton was one of the women he had been courting in London. I thought he would be pleased to have one of his potential conquests staying with us. They are a good match, apparently."

"Has she ever been here before?"

"Once, if my memory serves me correctly. They were decent to the staff, and she seemed nice enough. Why Mr Turner would have such a problem with her remains to be seen, but I imagine the match will go ahead. I heard it will do well for their place in society."

I nodded, but didn't say anything. Martha didn't press the conversation any more, and we continued with our work until all the rooms were aired and clean. All that was left was for the arrival of Miss Bolton and her family, though we had two days left before the house became full.

My mind stayed on the letter Miss Oleson had written to me and her comments regarding Mr Turner. I agreed that he wasn't full of the bravado everyone assumed he had, but I still wouldn't have gone as far as to call us friends. It surprised me that he had any trust whatsoever given most of the servants had a tendency for gossip and I wouldn't blame him for accusing me of the same, despite my saying it wasn't the case.

After a brief luncheon of sandwiches and leftover gingerbread cake, normal work resumed, so I left the kitchen to restock the fires in the west wing, something I was determined to do despite the burn. I found Mr Turner in his bedroom, sitting at the writing desk and scribbling away on a small piece of paper. He glanced over his shoulder, but paid me very little attention.

He sat rigidly in his chair, hunched over the sheet of paper and scribbling so hard I thought he might tear a hole in the paper. His dark hair was dishevelled, and he tugged on a loose strand with his left hand. It was a state I had seen him in a few times since the announcement of the Bolton's coming to stay. He was wound up like a jack-in-the-box.

I went about my work, poking the smoulder coals with the poker and watching the fire spread throughout the small fireplace.

"Would you be able to ensure this is sent, Miss Rhodes? I know you are about to become a little busier, what with our new arrivals, but I cannot ask anyone else." He turned around with a small envelope in hand.

I stepped forward and accepted the letter, tucking it into my apron pocket. Although I didn't want to become a personal courier, especially if it put my job at risk, I could hardly say no. "Yes, sir. As soon as I have a moment, I shall ensure it goes out tomorrow morning."

"Thank you." Mr Turner raked a hand through his dark hair, dishevelling it more than usual. "This visit is certainly a frustrating one. I did not think they would go ahead with it, but Father is now adamant that I need to find a wife since I cannot remain a bachelor forever — not that I intend to. Why it has to be her, I do not know."

I frowned, but didn't push the subject.

"I am going to ask that you watch after yourself, Miss Rhodes. Miss Bolton may seem nice on the surface, but everyone has a dark side that they intend to keep hidden."

"I will, sir."

He nodded. "If you have any problems with her, you will tell me, won't you? I would also like to be informed if she says anything about me or Miss Oleson."

"Would she?"

"My indiscretions are well known, even to those I knew in London. Word travels fast, especially when it comes to gossip. It moves through the servants and before you know it, everyone knows your business. Just promise me that you will tell me if she says anything."

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Mr Turner slumped back in his chair, relaxing his shoulders a little, but still looking tense and wound up. "The sooner this visit is over, the better."

I wasn't sure if he was talking to himself or to me, so I said nothing. Mr Turner's concern for my welfare when around Miss Bolton was a surprise, but I knew how to take care of myself — most likely more than he did. It was Miss Bolton's potential interest in Miss Oleson that piqued my curiosity the most. Why would she be so interested in someone Mr Turner had been writing to?

All I knew was that the Bolton family visit was going to be an interesting one for everyone involved, and I wondered just what might be revealed during their short stay.


First Published - February 28th, 2024

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