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Consider this my confession.

Or don't.

The choice is entirely yours.

I could not care either way since I will not be around long enough to see which option you choose. That, and I cannot tell you how to think, nor do I want to.

I am not here out of a misguided attempt to gain any sort of sympathy from whoever managed to stumble upon this book. Sympathy is the last thing I want. My actions were justified, at least to me.

Whether or not you agree remains to be seen, but I ask you to at least make it to the end before you make your decision. My actions can only be explained once you see the full picture. You will not get that if you start, but do not finish or skip to the end in an attempt to save time.

Every word must be read.

Then again, I cannot make you. After all, I'm just words on a page.

However, if you have come this far, you may as well continue. No one likes an unfinished story.

I hope you will stay and judge my actions for yourself. Otherwise, why are you really here?

Get comfortable, although this should not take long, and if you take anything away from what you are about to read, it should be this:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


First Published - February 17th, 2024

Scorned [ONC 2024]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz