part 86

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"i'm sorry, im really sorry." you whisper, arms around lando.

"you have nothing to apologise for, i shouldn't have ignored you." he says, stroking your hair.

you finally pull apart and you noticed tear stains on lando's face, and a wave of guilt comes over you.

charles was already gone so you shut the door and make your way fully into the room.

"your going to get sick love! your fully soaked and shivering still." lando says worriedly before handing you a hoodie.

you swap your hoodie with lando's before changing into a pair of his sweatpants too.

"what happened?" you ask lando softly.

"i heard people saying that oscar was still in love with you, and you two were going out on dates together. i came back and saw you two talking together and you hugged him. jealousy just took over me. i'm sorry."

"i would never cheat on you lan, i love you. not oscar." you say, placing your hand on his leg.

"oscar is just a friend?"

"definitely just a friend,  don't worry yourself."

"so your not going out with him?"

"of course not! we meet up as friends maybe once a month. i don't love oscar, i love you."

"i love you too... i'm sorry i ignored you. but please don't ever run off in a city you have never been to before. you could have got lost and i could never forgive myself for that."

you move your hand to hold lando's hand and he jumps in shock.

"fuck your freezing." lando says, before holding one of your hands with both of his.


"don't apologise, i'll get you a blanket." lando says, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders.

20 minutes later, you and lando were cuddling together in bed. finally you had warmed up from the cold rain. lando  was constantly apologising to you.

"are you looking forward to tomorrow?" you ask.

"as long as your with me it will be the best birthday ever."


"of course."

the next morning...

you wake up wrapped tightly in lando's arm to the sound of his snores. you try to stay as still as possible as you both didn't fall asleep until late last night. you couldn't lie, it was very comfy in lando's arms.

you didn't realise until being awake for 10 minutes that it was lando's birthday today.

a few minutes later, you could feel him moving around slightly.

"good morning." lando whispers, in his morning voice.

his morning voice had the power to make you blush every single time.

"good morning amor, happy birthday." you say, looking down at lando's face.

"if it's my birthday, can we stay in bed longer?"

"only a few minutes amor, it's already 9."

"few minutes." lando repeats, before placing his head back on your stomach.

5 minutes later you gently rub lando's back.

"few minutes." he grumbles.

"it's been a few minutes, and i need to get ready." you say, gently moving lando off you.

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