The bandages had just recently been replaced. She had been watching from afar when Alina was changing them. It appeared to be a puncture wound, and it was a real mystery as to how she got it since it looked much too wide to be from a knife or any other blade for that matter. She reached out with her hand and slowly and sensually ran her fingers along the line of skin between the bottom of the bandages and Jordan's pants line. She watched in amusement as the girl shivered in her sleep and shifted herself to the side.

"Oh this one is sensitive. I can't wait till I can touch her more." Cassandra practically purred.

Something on the girls skin, just below her pants line, managed to catch Cassandra's attention. She really wanted to see what it was, but someone was hindering her curiosity a bit.

"Whoa, her skin is so pretty! It looks so soft too. I wonder how deep I can get my fang in-"

Daniela was unceremoniously yanked backwards by her cape by Bela when she attempted to climb onto the bed. She gave an indignant whine of annoyance and quickly attempted to straighten out her clothing again. They both knew that the best way to distract Daniela or to simply keep her from doing something was to mess with her cape. She was certainly messy when it came to food, but she had a weird obsession with making sure all of her outfits were always straightened out, even if they were stained with blood and bits of flesh.

"Don't climb on her. I know you're excited to start playing with her, but you heard what Mother said." Bela scolded.

"Hmph. You really are no fun. I wasn't gonna do anything. I was just gonna touch her a little. I wanna feel her skin. It looks soft. Like I can just dig my nails into her flesh and let them soak in red." Daniela said, slowly trailing off in her inaudible rambling.

Cassandra turned her attention back towards Jordan, and she noticed that the girl was finally starting to stir from her sleep.


Jordan grumbled as she let her eyes blink open. She was tired. So unbearably tired. But something in her mind was telling her that she needed to wake up. She didn't know why. It was almost a soothing voice, telling her to get up and make sure she was safe. She reached out and used her hands to push herself up, muffling a groan as her side protested against this. She wasn't fully healed yet, but at least it didn't hurt like absolute hell anymore.

"Rise and shine, Darling."

Once she heard the seductive voice directly in her ear, Jordan yelped and spun herself around in the bed to face forward, winching as her body reacted to the sudden strain. But still, she was more focused on taking on the scene in front of her. She looked around frantically, seeing all three of the sisters surrounding the bed she was in. Daniela, who was at the end of the bed, managed to capture her attention the most since she was almost hunched over.

Once Jordan locked eyes with the redhead, she watched unfiltered excitement and pride wash over her beautiful face like a child getting acknowledged by their parents.

"She looked at me first! I'm her favorite!!" Daniela boasted rather quickly.

"She just woke up and you're in her direct line of vision. Of course she's going to be looking at you, Daniela. And don't go speaking about favorites. That's for her to decide, right cutie?" Bela said, turning her attention to Jordan.

Jordan, however, was just utterly confused as to why these three were surrounding her bed at the moment. But considering the intentions they've displayed thus far, she was rather scared about what they might be thinking of doing. Out of instinct, she pushed herself as far back as the bed frame would allow, staring forward at them with very obvious wide and fearful eyes. If they attempted to touch her in any way, or drink from her, then she probably couldn't do anything about it. She had been told they weren't allowed to really 'play' with her until she was healed, but she still didn't know if they would listen.

And Icarus Looked Straight Into The Sun As He Burned(Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now