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"Little master, little master, wake up, wake up," Tokyo, who was sleeping, got disturbed by his nanny's voice and grumpily stood up, pushing the lady away, not that hard but slightly harsh.

"Stay away! How many times have I told you not to disturb me?" he yelled, then went inside the washroom. After getting ready, he walked out and saw his granny and brothers waiting for him.

"Come on, you're half an hour late," granny said, signaling him to come quickly. Rolling his eyes, Tokyo sat down, spreading his legs. He ate oddly, and Tharn slammed his hands on the table.

"If you don't want to eat like a decent guy, then just leave," he yelled, glaring at Tokyo, who just glared back.

"You can leave, you stupid. This is my house," Tokyo retorted. Tharn smirked and signaled someone, and a tall guy pulled away the plate in front of Tokyo.

"For the whole day, you won't eat anything. If any of you give him food, then you are fired," Tharn declared, taking the first bite of his food.

"You son of a bitch," Tokyo stood up, kicking Tharn on his legs. Tharn raised his hands to slap him, but instead, he held Tokyo's hands tightly and grabbed him in the air like a toy.

"Tharn, stop this drama. You are a big guy. Stop," their granny yelled out loud. Tharn sighed and fixed Tokyo's collar.

"I hope you will behave. Give him his food," he said and left without eating anything.

"Tharn, stop and eat it," granny said again, but he just took his car keys and left. Meanwhile, Tokyo began to eat, but his granny was leaving when Tokyo spoke.

"Eat, otherwise, I will snatch his food too. Ok?" he said, pointing at the little baby Nora, who was only 12 years old. The lady sighed with disappointment and wasn't going to eat at all, but suddenly, Tharn came back and sat down in front of her.

"I know you won't eat if I won't. Anyways, I will be late, so don't worry about me, ok?" he said, smiling. She ruffled Tharn's hair and was about to touch Tokyo's hair, but he pushed her hands away.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands. I mean, you just touched his hair. You just love him. Anyways, I will get late because today I'm going to celebrate my 2nd anniversary with my baby. Don't dare to call me."

"If you aren't coming back before 12, then stay at his home forever. Don't forget what happened to you last time," last time Tharn stopped giving him his pocket money, so Tokyo just rolled his eyes and left the home, taking his car keys.

Meanwhile, Tharn pulled his little brother and hugged his granny.

"Take care of yourself. Love you," he said, kissing the lady and left, making Nora sit in the back seat.

"Are you ok, baby?" he asked, and Nora just nodded, smiling at her brother.

"Good baby, let's go," saying that, he drove him towards his school and gave him to his teacher.

"Take care of him," Tharn said in his serious tone, and the lady just nodded and took the little baby away.

Sitting back in his car, he went to his company and parked it aside. He went inside his office and began to talk with another team via call and was chatting through mails and all when the new cleaner came inside and began to mop his back side table and all. Tharn glared at him and slammed his hands on the table.

"Are you stupid? Huh? Can't you see I was having a meeting over here, and you are just coming in the back?" he yelled at the guy, and Type just smiled at him.

"S-sorry sir... I'm new here... s-sorry," he said and began to clean again.

"Go bring me coffee and a glass of water," he said, and nodding, Type was ready to go when Tharn yelled again.

"At least wash your hands and remove that stupid band," due to his long hair, Type had put on a thick headband on his head. Grinning, Type just washed his hands and, removing that band, he opened his hair.

Soon, when Tharn was writing something on his file, Type came holding the hot coffee, but the poor guy stumbled and fell towards Tharn, spilling the hot coffee on Tharn's hands, which turned red due to the burns.

"I-i m sorry..." Type panicked, keeping the tray aside, he pulled Tharn's hands towards the sink and began to wash it up while crying, looking at Tharn's hands.

"You can just fire me... I'm bad, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm bad..." he cried more, and Tharn just sighed and took his hands back.

"It's ok... anyways, please clean that... And leave," he said, not yelling, but in a sweet, simple tone.

Cleaning everything while crying, Type began to leave when Tharn just spoke.

"After half an hour, bring me a coffee... I mean, cold coffee," he said, and Type, who was sad, jumped with joy and nodded, then left.

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