CH.1.5 - the system

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(Alex): "okay, let's decide what kind of skill should I claim..."

This is gonna be hard, all of it are good. War cry? What kind of skill is that? Can I be able to see it's description, should I use appraisal on it?

(Alex): "appraisal."


[ War cry ] - a skill that creates a screeching sound that lowers the defence of the enemy because of fear (debuff) by 100. 50% chance to boost up the users stat. (No mana required)

(Alex): "ohhh, sounds like a good skill. What about erase presence? I can be like a ninja, ambush the enemy then rip them apart! Haha!"

Oops, my bad side. Hmm... Future sight is pretty overpowered, but what does it do? See the future? Let's check it out.

I used appraisal on the skill, future sight.


[ Future sight ] - a skill that can read the enemy's movement by seeing a future image before it happens. (Passive skill)

(Alex): "oh, it's different. I need a OP skill, if this world is survival to the fittest, then I need a skill to survive. Something to evade death. Okay, I'll chose 'future sight'!"

System: [ future sight ] acquired!
Skill points left: 0

(Alex): "Now that's settled, the only thing I should do is to explore and see what awaits us. But... How? I'm trapped in here, and there's so many paths."

Oh, now I realised it, it's so easy to control this body. I mean, I got a lots of legs and not even bothering how control it, does it react on its own, when I move?

Because of this unexpected events, I can't help but to feel hungry as my stomach growls like a lion.

Ugh, I'm really hungry... I don't wanna die again... I tried to walk to find at least a grass to eat, i actually don't want to eat grass. I just keep walking without knowing where I go, I really can't contain my hunger, then I saw a corpse of a red ant. The smell of the corpse tempted me, I'm a monster now, I'm not surprised by my senses or monster instinct.

(Alex): "I need to, eat... I, I can't believe I'm going to do this, I, have no other options!"

I taked a bite of one of my (dead) brothers, it tastes like an expired meat or something with the combination of broccoli and wet grass, blech! But I have no other choice, I have to survive... Blech!

(Alex): "ugh..."

System: title [ Cannibal ] acquired!

[ Cannibal ] - a title that can be acquired by a monster when or for preying on someone with the same race. You can get bonuses for each prey: all stats + 10 Exp + 15 (note: you can get bonuses on LV.10+ monsters only)

oh? Cannibal, I think everyone of my brothers and sisters got this title, all of them are cannibalistic which is normal for... Monsters... like me.


Somewhere in the distance:


(??????): "croak!"

(To be continued~)


Hello! I just added a twist to the main character's personality. Hope you liked this chapter! Peace<:3

[Discontinued] Reborn as a Deadly Ant!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora