But despite those,the Globe Masters are still flying,many with lost engines,multiple lost engines,yet they still fly,struggling with the remaining engines to make it to Honolulu,or at least out of Osean territory.

Clearly,being a passenger on those live-hanging planes wasn't a comfortable experience.If there is anything good about this situation,that would be they got the first seats at the showdown of the new American technological miracle.

<<Two bogeys,F-35,bearing 065,angel 7,aspect hot>>

From the back of the airfleet,Monika accelerates and moves to the flank positions

<< 5%.Ready in 3 2 1 fire>>

Right after hearing the transmission,the pilots and diplomats covered their eyes with both hands.


A bluish light flashed right close to America 1,causing a minor vibration on the already weakened frame of the aircraft,followed by the sound of two explosions from around 1-2 miles away and batteries being thrown out of Monika.No need for confirmation on radar,not even need to open his eyes,the pilot of America 1 already knew that the threat had been eliminated.

<<Splashed 2,airspace clear>>

<<No hostile inbound,we're safe for now>>

After confirming the destruction of the two Lightning II,Monika flapped her wings and approached America 1 from behind,docking right by the windows of the cockpit.

<<Monika calling America 1,are you okay?>>

<<America 1 copy,we're fine.But next time please give us more time to react.Beside,please restrain using that,we can't fly with a weaker frame anymore than this all the way to Hawaii>>


With the warships being left behind,the fleet has gotten out of danger.

The strong wind on high altitude has put down the fires on those damaged engines,but the smoke is still black,the result of an uneven mix of fuel and oxygen being lit up by half of the igniters they got from the beginning.Smoke being split out and falling like a stream of tornado,some diplomats later tell,that wherever they left,there would be a trace of jet fuel floating in black on the surface of the ocean.

<<Monika>>-the pilot of Canada 1 opened the radio communication-<<We're low on fuel.I'm afraid that we cannot make it to Hawaii in this situation.Do American have midair refuel planes around here?>>

<<We do not,actually,aside from USS Azure where I've taken off,and several high ranking officers,no one else know about the Osean coup d'etat,much less this mission.Beside,no aircraft carrier is currently stationing in East Pacific>>

The communication line got ceased for a few seconds,the result of an electronic wave bursting in the air from far away.

<<Then we have another choice>>-America 1 suddenly speaks up-<<But it's a little bit risky:The entire airfleet would have to land in North Osea,we have a lot of friendly out there,they might help send the diplomats back to Hawaii by providing us with new aircrafts>>

<<Then what risky about it?>>

<<The problem is....we don't have any method of long range communication anymore.I don't know if they have taken any airport to support us or not,or having an aircraft that's big enough to carry those foreigners back to their home.At worst,the New Federation was defeated and we would heading straight to death>>

<<But there is no other choice isn't it?>>

Immediately,by all coincidence, Canada 1's right engine let out a violent burst,leaving the C-17 with only one engine left at full power.

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