A nice day!

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It's so nice outside, the sun is shinning but it's not hot, the perfect day with the sun hitting my face and lighting up my mood. There's nothing like drinking your coffee in your back yard on a nice day smoking and writing. I got a film camera I so bad wanted to take pictures of things and people that make me happy filling me with memories to hold on forever. My life these days is peaceful, I'm calm and without worries, my life isn't perfect, I'm unemployed still living with my family I have no money to move out but I appreciate every moment trying to live my days not so wasteful and empty. Even in this dark world there are thing to enjoy and be grateful for. The little things in life make me happy, the small and simple things and moments. I'm tired of social media and the cheap dopamine they offer you I want to live my life peacefully somewhere nice, in a small cottage with a yard full of plants and flowers with the birds singing every morning with  the sound of wind hitting the leaves on trees with the sunlight hitting through my window curtain waking me up. I want to walk barefoot on grass and lay down looking at the sky, to hug the trees and become one with the nature, there's nothing as pure as the nature and I love that. I want to disappear not in a suicidal way just live off the grid and focus on myself. March 10th, today is another nice day outside and the temperature is perfect, the sun is hitting the trees showing their beautiful green colour so perfectly. The sky is light blue and clear of clouds, nothing hiding the sun. Sometimes I think about the past 2 and a half moths of this new year and I have nothing to remember, almost no memories, no moments with friends or even alone it feels like a waste of time living like this. Another page starting nice and happy becoming more and more depressing with every word I write. 

The sun shinning through, the leaves moving, the birds singing and me? Nothing like the dried water from the river that once were there full of life. 

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