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(Literally just a bunch of stuff I wrote abt my girl because I realized I need to actually write my character's backstories and not just develop them in my brain suyfgbjhfgaskufhk) (might change the name later) ((If you find any grammatical errors no you didn't))

Monica was always a very responsible person. She had to be ever since her brother passed, leaving her to fend for herself at thirteen. She had worked hard her whole life to make it work, to make ends meet. She didn't have time for simple pleasures in life. What mattered was that she survived.

When she took on the job to work for the Republic, it was mostly for the pay, but she hadn't expected to do anything close to running mechanics on a Venator-Class Star Destroyer.

Lilac Sundari was one of the first Jedi she ever met, and she somehow managed to be everything and nothing at all like she expected a Jedi to be.
She hauled around a young Zabrak boy that looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years of age. He had a small braid that draped over his shoulder, so Monica assumed he was her Padawan.

A hanger was clearly no place for a Jedi, seeing as she wandered around aimlessly, looking for something but to no avail. Her Padawan trailed behind her, dragging his feet and looking as though he was starting to get bored.
Monica sighed and approached her. She lifted her hand to lightly tap the Jedi's shoulder when she whipped around with a plastered smile on her face. It caught Monica off guard, but she assumed it was part of their Jedi abilities.

"Hello there," she smiled. "Do you work here? We're a bit lost and could use some assistance."

The Padawan furrowed his brow. "You're lost. Not me."

His Master shushed him.

Monica softly chuckled. "How could I be of assistance... Master Jedi?"

The Zabrak groaned, crossing his arms over his chest.
The Jedi smiled and bowed her head. "My name is Lilac Sundari, and this is my Padawan Learner, Xerxes." She gestured to her Padawan before continuing. "We're looking for a shuttle, seeing as we have been assigned a very important mission to discuss a treaty with another planet."

Monica skimmed over her datapad, checking a list of a names. "I have you right here, but you're quite early."

Lilac smiled. "It is always better to be early than late. I suppose we can walk around until it is time for our departure. It will give us some time to learn more about the people here." She beamed, tucking her hands neatly behind her back. "Thank you for your help, Ms... ?"

Monica blushed, bowing her head. "My name is Monica Berand. If you ever need any help, please let me know. I would be glad to assist you again, Master Jedi."

Lilac nodded and shook Monica's hand. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. We appreciate the hospitality. Thank you. We must go now, but we will surely keep your kindness in mind." She bowed her head before turning to leave with her apprentice.

Monica watched her walk away, her Jedi robes flowing behind her.

She didn't think much of the encounter, but Lilac would later return to Coruscant and ask her to be apart of her crew on her Venator, The Serenity. She reluctantly accepted. There was rarely something she couldn't do that had to do with ships and mechanics, but the thought of leaving Coruscant somewhat shook her. She had lived in the same place since she was nine, and had never left since. But Lilac offered her a handsome raise in her wages, and she figured it couldn't be all that bad to have a few extra credits in her pocket.

When she arrived on the ship, it was the first time she had ever been on a Republic cruiser.

Lilac had asked her if she would be willing to show her around.

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