Time consumed the woman's head, forming a hope to conclude her plans - which she had made guided by emotions - a linear and perfect road. Lilith kept her plans to herself, only sharing her sorrows with Prayer on lucid nights when the drugs left her body for a few fleeting seconds. She needed to talk to her mother, one last guidance and a heart-to-heart talk. She would explain how she felt, the unfairness of her death, and plead for her blessing to bring her back to life or do whatever it took to die and enter heaven, to share paradise. The apocalypse would end her life, and the lives of many others, and the witch only cared about her goal, her own happiness.

She watched as everyone danced and got excited, kisses and gropes, bottles emptied in a round and the club reeked of marijuana and cigarettes. Lilith made her way through them and couldn't help but think how small they were, they had no idea that an apocalypse loomed over their heads and could explode at any moment. If she told them she was a witch, they would think she was too high, and if she spoke of angels, it would ruin the atmosphere of sin; even her fellow witches were so insignificant. Galilea spoke excitedly and laughed with Coral and her group: Beatriz was kissing a boy, and Macey seemed unable to get over Dorian, she had cried when she saw them kissing, and finally, Averi was the only one who, as they passed by, greeted her.

"Hi, Lilith!" she said, mixing her words, throwing herself at her and splashing her with what she was drinking. "Oh wow! Wait... You already have four? Girls, she has four powers!"

Lilith pushed her away with a shove. Her mentor companions eyed the pearls that stood out beneath her breast, the sequin bra she was wearing exposed that part. She snorted, if they thought she got them through deals with demons, it was their problem, she never cared about their opinions, but even - in her frozen heart - Galilea's expression was enough to make her shed tears at that moment. Galilea moved away from the group and quickly left, running away from evil. Time would heal it... time.

After a month of obtaining the healing power, she still hadn't managed to possess chronokinesis, the art of manipulating time by speeding it up and slowing it down. She had been thinking a lot about time. Lilith wasn't afraid of time as one might expect, she held it in great respect, she felt intimidated. Time was a perception of the mind, the past, present, and future took on definitions of the human condition... Lilith was struggling a lot to develop it despite understanding the fundamentals very well.

She had been told that time would heal her problems, she clung to believing it sincerely, trusting in time and its great power, its absolutism helped her understand the magnificence of time. People like Pandora and Rowena had lived for centuries, demons and angels who had been there since the beginning and knew the Creator. The first woman had told her that time was superior to God and death, it was on the level of a scientific conception of emptiness, without beginning or end. Could she heal with time? Leave her pain behind? Two months had passed since then, and she never missed a day at the cemetery, the platinum-haired woman was always there with a black cat in her arms.

"Try to fix the flower," Lilith urged, placing a hand on her shoulder. Judas was in front of her, arms crossed, watching the flower intently

Lilith focused on reversing what she broke, linking together the broken petals of a black flower, a rose from hell. It wasn't the first time she had seen it; the day she drank the blood of the yellow-eyed demon, she saw a black rose grow on the outskirts of the entrance to hell. She aided herself with a hand movement, trying to mend what she had broken; she only went back a few seconds.

"I'm tired," she complained, slumping onto the table. They had been in the chamber of hell with the damned black rose for hours. "Would you show me hell? I want to see it."

She had been asking for days, her curiosity exceeding the warnings she received. Time in hell was as confusing and chaotic as its physical and political structure. The deeper one went, the faster time passed. An hour in hell equaled two days on Earth. The study chamber was on the border between hell and Earth, time passed relatively the same. But she needed to see it. Descriptions from Judas and Lilith had intensified her desire to see it.

LILITH | DEAN WINCHESTER [ ✓ ]Where stories live. Discover now