Chapter 5: Truth.

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(Star Dust's P.O.V)

I felt a soft paw on my foot, my eyes were closed which made me jump a bit, I opened my eyes to look where I was and what had touched my foot, I saw it was Furrby and he was curled up asleep half on my foot and half off. I sat straight up which woke Furrby up and made him hop quickly off my foot and onto the floor, I looked around, I didn't know where I was, no cave had ever looked like this or so bright during the day.

"Where am I? What happened?" I said to myself oblivious of the fact that I had frightened Furrby; I was in too much shock and fear myself.

"Well! Look who's awake now miss sleeping beauty," said a voice that I didn't know too well, along with what sounded like half giggle and half a yawn, I looked in the direction of where the voice had come from and noticed a man next to me, he was sitting in some funny looking object his face showed that he was asleep which I woke him, I frowned but I felt safe again, it was Justin Rees, but he looked different, not the same as when I looked at him this afternoon or at least I think it was this afternoon. After a long study of what was different, I noticed that his clothes were not the same, I was confused because it seemed like I wasn't unconscious for so long that he could have changed, but I wasn't so sure.

"Did you sleep well" he seemed to say sarcastically which also brought me back to reality, "you were out for a whole day, I got a bit worried there but it seemed like it was normal for you because it was just long enough for your friend here to get comfortable, for you to frighten him off the bed," he said trying to look under the raised soft flooring thing I was laying on. I leaned down to look where he was and saw Furrby's tail quiver a bit,

"Oh! Sorry, Furrby! Are you okay...I'm so sorry, you can come up again" I had said so freely that almost shocked Justin because he lifted his head so quickly that it almost bumped mine.

"Oh so you can speak?" he said in a serious tone, it seemed like something just occurred to him which made him stand, I looked up at him and I couldn't help but smile, but not a normal smile, one that seemed like I had tricked him, like a roguish smile, it felt good to have been able to trick a human.

"I'm sorry Furrby, please come up" I said again but not leaving the gaze of this man standing in front of me, in fear that he might leave or something.

"Furrby is his name, well what is yours then?" Justin had said bending down to look under the bed, which was what humans called it, I suddenly remembered the name. Justin's voice and movement seemed to frighten Furrby because he hopped out the other side, and almost as fast as lightning he sat curled in a real small ball against my side opposite of where he was and began to quiver, looking down at him, I could see he was terrified, so I placed my hand very gently on him and started to hum. It was something I did when we were afraid, we would touch each other,  either with my nose or limb, and I would hum something my mother had taught me long ago before I could open my eyes. It always worked and I knew it would calm him down as I was calm; I looked up at Justin and smiled again,

"All of this is scaring him," I said looking around at the walls "he's used to the forest surroundings, humans scare him very much, the good and the bad sadly... but I have never seen him get as close as he was from you." I continued looking from Justin to Furrby.

He sat back down and looked at me, but frowned, I could tell he was listening to me, "But aren't you also a human?" he questioned

"Until recently..." I had said unconsciously, and then lifted the hand that wasn't on Furrby and smacked my head in stupidity, "I mean...yes but I don't count." I said in a not-so-convincing voice which I tried not to do.

"So you are human? Or is there something you're not telling me?" he asked again, but I felt like he already knew the answer, I looked at him; I didn't know what to say. At this time Furrby lifted his head and looked at me, I looked at him and smiled; he closed his eyes calmly and his twitching nose slowed down, which told me that this human can be trusted. I took a big breath, inhaling all the new smells of this place, and released it out, nodding back at Furrby I looked at this man's confused but curious facial expressions he had, I looked at his eyes, but my gaze wasn't there long when I saw him move his hands on his lap as if he knew I was going to tell him something interesting and he was only getting comfortable.

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