Chapter 6

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In the dream...

So! Enterprise is seen facing the giant orange, white, grey and black warship as it is looking at her. 

Enty: "Damn you Hyperion! Is this what you wanted?!"

Then, Enterprise sees a projectile heading to Azur Lane HQ, soon it blew up the headquarters. Making a mushroom cloud.

Hyperion: "Game over."

Hyperion fires his phasers at Enterprise.


End of dream...

In the real world at the Base of Azur Lane...

So! At the hospital, we can see that Enterprise is lying onto the freaking hospital bed, Wales, Belfast, Hornet, Illustrious, Akashi, Sheffield, Edinburgh and Vestal were seen discussing with each other.

Wales: "How's Enterprise's condition?"

Vestal: "It is still in progress, upon close inspection, she has suffered serious battle damage but, luckily she is still breathing and unconscious."

Wales: "Okay, by the way, how could Sakura Empire make that giant warship?"

Akashi: "You're wrong."

So, Wales, Hornet, Illustrious, Belfast and Vestal are shocked except Sheffield and Edinburgh, who had already known about that giant warship with a CS:GO paint scheme.

Illustrious: "What do you mean?"

Akashi: "That was not a giant warship from the Sakura Empire."

Hornet: "Then who is it?"

Akashi: "It's the giant warship that attacked your sister."

Belfast: "You mean that giant warship with a white, orange, grey and black paint scheme?"

Akashi: "Yes, his name is Hyperion. He is a giant futuristic warship from another world who falls under the Super Capital category. Also, he possesses the ability to disable riggings. Surprisingly enough, he was not part of a specific faction."

Hornet: "But why did he join the Sakura Empire."

Akashi: "I do not know, but he was unconscious when he was brought in by Akagi."

Wales: "Sheffield said that the black wisdom cube is for big project."

Akashi: "Yes, it was Akagi's plans, but in my eyes, Hyperion had a bad feeling about this."

Illustrious: "Then why did he join the Sakura Empire?"

Akashi: "Maybe he still does not know this world and just choose whatever decision."

Wales: "Okay, thank you Akashi, you may leave, but if you want to set up a store, then you can."

Akashi: "Thank you!"

Akashi left the hospital.

Hornet: "How are we going to win this war if that giant warship had the ability to disable riggings?"

Wales: "I do not know, maybe he had other plans."

So, outside the hospital, Astraeus is seen sailing around the base, watching over it.

Meanwhile at the Sakura Empire's base...

The Next Day...


It is daytime, Hyperion is seen observing the scenic view.

Hyperion: "Hmm, I am curious about the base of Azur Lane, I want to spy but, I never really knew it's location."

Astraeus: A Azur Lane Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें