Chapter 5

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Meanwhile at the docks...

The two maids and the repair ship then proceeds to escape, when they passed by two unsuspecting Sakura Empire shipgirls.


Then all of a sudden, they were attacked by a certain heavy cruiser when she suddenly fired a salvo.

Takao: "Not so fast!"

Sheffield: "I can handle this Edinburgh, go on without me! Save her!"

Edinburgh: "Sheffy are you sure?"

Then, Sheffield proceeds to engage Takao in a 1v1 battle, with Sheffield firing her dual pistols at the heavy cruiser but she evaded the shots, then, she puts away her dual pistols and summons a orb, which she proceeds to clench her fist which causes a beam to be fired at the heavy cruiser but she blocked it with her sword.

Sheffield: "What? This is ridiculous!"

Takao: "Slow and steady wins the race! Dripping water wears down stone! I have spent a long time training my sword!"

Then, she charges at Sheffield and she tries to slice her but she dodged and she draws out her dual pistols once again and she tries to attack her from the side but Takao side stepped and shoves her off and she then charges at her once again, and Sheffield proceeds to use one of her pistols to fire which slows her down while she uses the other pistol to fire at the heavy cruiser. And soon, they stopped and are looking at each other, face to face.

Takao: "My enemy, your skills have earned my respect!"

And suddenly, Ayanami joins the fight!

Ayanami: "Taste the power of the demon!"

Then, Ayanami charges at Sheffield, but she blocked her attack and returned fire. Then, Hyperion joins in the fight.


Akashi: "Please! Edinburgh! Don't leave me here! A dead cat tells no tails!" *Cries*


Hyperion: "Long live the Empire."

Hyperion fires all of his cannons, including his railguns at Sheffield, but however, Astraeus quickly warped in and tanked the shots.


Sheffield: "Astraeus!"

Astraeus: "Sheffield. Retreat! Get to the ruins!"

Sheffield: "What about you?"

Astraeus: "I'll be fine! Just go! Do you have the black cube with you?"

Sheffield: "Yes, we have."

Astraeus: "Good! Now go! Hide in the ruins!"

Then, Sheffield joins Edinburgh's side and retreated alongside Akashi.

Hyperion: "So, we meet again, Astraeus."

Astraeus: "Now it's just you and me Hyperion!"

Takao: "Astraeus! Die!"

Then, Takao charges at Astraeus and jumps up high in the air!

Takao: "HAAH!!!"

Then, she slashed Astraeus with her Katana. But, her attack had been blocked.

Takao: "W-What!? It can't be!"

Astraeus: *Laughs* "I liked the face of confusion. My turn!"

Then, Astraeus aims one of his laser cannons and fires at Takao's riggings, which blew up one of it's cannon. Causing Takao to be blown back.

Astraeus: A Azur Lane Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें