Eternally Yours, Valentine

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She had been homeschooled after being diagnosed with  Metachromatic Leukodystrophy since she was nine. Juliet, now junior in Willowbrook highschool is finally granted by her doctor to attend her classes on site. Studying and chasing her friends around gave her energy. As she continues enjoying her not-so ordinary days on campus, she and her mom get called by  her doctor for an update about her condition.

On her birthday, February 14th,she was supposed to be  at school. However, because they had to be in the hospital for an appointment she had no choice but to skip her morning classes.There were no patients in the hospital’s premises yet. Doctors were still clocking in and nurses were busy preparing their charts.

The clock struck 9:00 am and Dr. Fordham’s assistant started calling patients in her office. Luckily,they were the second in line so they didn’t have to wait longer. 

“Juliet Earthorn.”Ms. Lorthon, Dr. Fordham’s assistant called.

Juliet and her mom quickly stood up and went inside Dr. Fordham’s office.
"Good Morning, Dr. Fordham." Mrs. Earthorn greeted Dr. Fordham as she and Juliet entered her office.
" Mrs. Earthorn',Juliet, please, have a seat.” she said as she gestured towards the chairs in front her desk.

With their hearts pounding, Juliet and her mom took a seat. They knew that this appointment would provide them with crucial information about her condition.

With sadness seen in her eyes, Dr. Fordham took a breath and spoke. "I've reviewed Juliet's latest test results and I'm afraid I have some difficult news to share. It is now in its last stage."

Hearing that, Mrs. Earthorn instinctively reached for her daughter’s hand  to hold Juliet’s trembling finger, as she does this, Juliet’s quivering voice was heard as she asked Dr.Fordham about her remaining time.

The esteemed doctor softened her expression and told her patient how she wishes the they had definitive and gives her an estimated number of time left for her to live.

With the new diagnosis now out of the box, they are forced to take each day like it was her last. They had her write a bucket list and as every day passes they will have to a accomplish it one thing at a time.

As moments passed, her motor skills declined and her respiratory issues worsened. Her family recognized the need to improve her mobility and make  her remaining time as possible They sought advice from specialists for and received recommendations for assistive devices and therapies.Physical therapists provided Juliet personalized exercise routines and suggested using a wheel chair while her respirator therapist  taught her breathing techniques and suggested using a ventilator or oxygen concentrator, if necessary.
One afternoon, as the pinkish orange hues of sky was seen,  Juliet and her caregiver took a stroll in the park. After a couple of rounds, they decided to rest on a nearby bench, it was there that they encountered a middle aged man – Charlie, who was speaking spitefully.

"I can't believe how useless I am. I can't even accomplish the simplest tasks without messing up. What a failure I've become." He said as he continuously belittled himself.
Hearing these words, Juliet couldn’t help to interrupt.
“If that’s the only thing you’re spiting about then what am I going to spite about?” she softly asked him.

He looked at her with a “You don’t what you are talking about." look.

“If you think that I don’t know what I am talking about, trust me, I know what exactly am talking about.” She confidently said extending her hand.

“I am Juliet and  you are?”
“Charlie.” The man simply said as he shook her
There was weariness in his eyes that was hinting his troubles that were piling up.

"You seem like you've been carrying a lot on your shoulders, Charlie. Care to share what's been weighing you down?" Juliet inquired.

"I feel like my life is falling apart. My job is hanging by a thread, my relationships are strained, and I can't seem to catch a break. It's just one problem after another." He desperately told Juliet as if she had all the answers to his problems.

"I can sense your frustration, Charlie, but remember that you're not alone in this. Sometimes life throws us challenges that seem overwhelming, but it's important to take a step back and breathe."Juliet took a deep breath and smiled.

"I guess I've been too caught up in my own misery to reach out." Charlie admitted.

"Remember, God didn’t put you in that place because he knows you’re weak. He did that because he knows that you can put solutions to his obstacle." She finally said before asking the caregiver to  turn around.

Years later ,Charlie found himself renewed by Juliet’s enlightening words.  His entire life was revitalized.

In one gathering he was invited in as a guest speaker he fearlessly shared that experience he had after he had that conversation with her.

“I remember this moment at the park, a girl that really did me a huge favor, not a mobility or financial one. She had been battling MLD but has chosen to stay in faith with God.She gave me a wise advice that I still keep to this day – God didn’t put you in your place because you’re weak but because he knows that you’ll find a way to give solutions to any challenge he gives you.” He spoke about his experience like it was yesterday.
An applause exploded as he pause for awhile and started with his testimony.

“That encounter left me questions that until now are unanswered: How could a fifteen year old girl be filled will faith while me, a 40 year old man at that time was spiting on him for no reason. Her impact on me was big enough that I decided to find her but when I did so, she already passed away. So now, I will just honor her by talking to all of you about her.” He ended his speech.

With a nod, Charlie concluded his speech, leaving the audience deeply moved by the power of Juliet's wisdom and the lasting impact she had on his life.

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