Can I Come in Now?

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"There's my sugar tits, I knew you'd come around with enough coercion," Angel laughs as he wraps his arms around Cherri's shoulders

"You dick!" Cherri giggles as she jokingly shoves him. "First you're late to your own BFF's party, and then you act like you're the whole reason I'm here?!"

"Aren't I?" Angel responds, giving her the puppy dog eyes.

The hotel is a bit livelier than usual ever since the failed extermination. Today, the residents of the hazbin hotel celebrate the arrival of a new member, Cherri Bomb. The main hall is decorated in welcome signs and celebratory crafts, with various neon colored confetti, banners, and garland that line the hotel in quite an avant garde style, making it fairly obvious who was in charge of decoration.

"I'M JUST SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE!" Charlie runs to the two, bear hugging Cherri.

"Girl this is like the fifth time you've hugged me today, at what point do I start considering this harassment?" Cherri jokes.

"Oh just let her have this, it's been a while since we've had a new guest. In case you haven't noticed, we haven't exactly had the best of luck these past few months." Angel points out

"Sorry sorry, I'll lay off," Charlie smiles as she backs away. "It just... feels like we're really starting to accomplish something here! It's exciting!"

Cherri smiles warmly at her "Well, Angel and Pentious seemed to find some piece of themselves in here, so I might as well give it a shot," Cherri shrugs.

"Now that's the fucking spirit!" Angel nudges as both Cherri and Charlie smile to themselves, maybe redemption is possible after all, it seems.

After a while, the brief welcome party begins to die down. With only 8 real occupants of the hotel, only two of which are guests, the parties usually aren't sustained for very long. However, it was enough to convince Cherri that her time here would be well spent. Elsewhere, Charlie and Vaggie sit down on a couch near the front door of the hotel, attempting to gain some alone time.

"Doesn't it seem like things are finally starting to happen around here!" Charlie gleams.

"Yeah, though we're still only breaking even with our members though..." Vaggie glooms. "Sorry, I don't think that's what you needed to hear."

"It's okay," Charlie responds as she puts her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, "If anything, I think pentious is the reason I'm more passionate about this than ever before!"

"Well... that is good to hear," Vaggie smiles.

"Right! Now that the hotel remodel is officially complete, we're gonna be hearing a lot more knocks on that door!"

Suddenly, with seemingly perfect timing, a knock began echoing throughout the hall, coming from that front door. Confident, yet slightly apprehensive.

"See! Right on queue. We're gonna have to throw another party!" Charlie excitedly shouts as she drags Vaggie with her to the door.

"Alright alright, I'm happy too." Vaggie smiles, "Now stop pulling me, you're like... really strong."

"Oop! Sorry..." Charlie nervously giggles as she nears the door, which has continued to knock.

"Alright, put on your best face Vaggie, time to make a good first impression!" Charlie slowly begins to open the door, ready to help redeem a brand new sinner. However, unfortunately for her, Vaggie, and the rest of the hotel, the face that meets hers is one that is all too familiar.

"Heyyyy.... What's up... Charles?" Adam nervously smiles, lifting his hands into tiny finger guns. While still recognizable, his mask is gone, revealing the still eerily human looking face below. He looks quite similar to the form they saw him in just a few weeks prior, however, his golden wings and halo have vanished, and have been replaced with one large red horn, growing from the left side of his face.

The Redemption of a Douchebag (Hazbin Hotel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now