the beginning

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hope you guys like it <333
not long after the kyuubi attack, the hidden leaf was in a state of turmoil. Many people lost their houses, various shinobis lost their lives but most importantly, the fourth hokage gave his life to protect the hidden leaf from the kyuubi and sealed the beast withing himself and his only son.

But that's not all... he also sealed it within a girl baby, who happened to be an orphan at the time. After the incident, both the babies were taken in by the third hokage, Hiruzen sarutobi.
The name of the boy was Uzumaki Naruto and the name of the girl was Y/n. 

Hiruzen personally took care of Naruto while Y/n was taken care of by the Anbu. Hiruzen found her to be a dangerous baby, more dangerous than Naruto himself. 

As The third hokage sat in his desk, someone knocked ! "Come in. " A young Anbu with silver hair and a mask covering half his face entered and bowed to respect the hokage. " To what do I owe this visit, Kakashi?" the individual finally looked up and spoke, " I just wanted to hand over this file. " He said, placing a confidential file on the hokage's desk. "hmm, is it about Y/n? " "yes, lord hokage." Kakashi said, backing up from the table. Hiruzen looked at the file and left it on the side. Kakashi was surprised by this but controlled himself. 

"How is she doing? I hope I made a good decision keeping you in charge of her as you are one the youngest alongside Itachi." The hokage chuckled a little. Kakashi smiled under that mask and replied, " She's doing well, she is currently sleeping. I have currently made her wear a bracelet around her hand that lets me know when she is crying or doing some other mischief. I'm wearing one myself.

(The black one is kakashi and the upper one is yours) "It's still a little big for her, but I have made sure to make it like a necklace until she outgrows it and starts wearing it on her hand," Kakashi said, smiling through the mask

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(The black one is kakashi and the upper one is yours)

"It's still a little big for her, but I have made sure to make it like a necklace until she outgrows it and starts wearing it on her hand," Kakashi said, smiling through the mask. "I know you've just turned into the captain of the Anbu but I hope this babysitting doesn't bother you much." "No Sir, not in any way. She's a real joy to have at home, she doesn't really cry much but she likes to move around. She's a wonderful kid." A small tint of pink appeared on his cheeks. 

The hokage noticed this and smiled, "Don't let her wrap you around her little finger, I already know she is going to turn out a beauty. So don't get swooned by her~ " Kakashi started blushing and looked away, "That's not gonna happen, lord hokage... "

"We'll see about that, kakashi.." a little smirk curled up Hiruzen's face.

𝕸𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊 (kakashi x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now