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There is a misconception and it's for the world. They think that they can find God and have found Him but it's not Him whom they've found but their own worldly gods.

Even in India, I have heard people say that they have found God. By their righteous deeds, that is, fasting, giving food to poor people, etc., they have found God.

But the Bible, being the book of answers to every question of the world, reveals that one can't find God unless God reveals Himself to them.

First of all, who are you, who thinks that your righteous deeds can make the God of heaven come to you? It's never your deed but your heart that attracts Him, I learned that late but when I learned that, I worked on my character and my deeds were automatically good.

People go to high places to do rituals and they think it'll wash their sins down. It happens in India and many other nations where they think that a single trip can make them sinless but it isn't so.

Only Jesus is the way.

Your deeds don't take you to heaven or you'll boast about your deeds and don't humble yourself before God but it's Jesus who takes you to heaven so that you humble yourself before God and if you boast, you boast about Him.

God revealed Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son are the same. Salvation is in Jesus alone. He died for our sins and if we believe Him, He'll save us. And He revealed Himself to the world — the entire world.

As in Isaiah 65:1, says, "I revealed myself to those who didn't ask for me; I was found by those who didn't seek me..."

It clearly tells that it was God who revealed Himself, even though the world didn't seek Him. The world didn't ask for God, the world abandoned Him, being stone-hearted but God isn't someone who makes and forgets. From the beginning, He was trying to reach us and finally, through His Son, it was made possible.

"...To a nation that didn't call on my name, I said, 'Here am I, here am I.'"

Do you see the love of God here?

I always think of His splendor and majesty. He's the God of heaven and He's from above. We're the dust of His feet and yet His love for us makes Him say, "Here am I, here am I."

Truly He's love.

All the time, this side of God just melts my heart even more and I feel tears burning in my eyes. Just who can love like Him? Who can stand beside Him?

Oh, it's none.

Arrogant are those who truly think that their righteousness will take them to heaven. More righteous people than them are living in the world who fast and pray but God did not go to them. Instead, He went to sinners of the world.

As He says in Matthew 9:12, "He replied, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick' but go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners." (Highlights are mine.)

He has come to call sinners and ever pondered over it why?

Because the righteous would have boasted about themselves that it is their righteousness that gave them the kingdom of heaven. But sinners, what do they have to boast about? They know themselves.

However, it is clear that nobody is sinless. Those who boast are prideful and being prideful is itself a sin. Then who is righteous? Definitely, nobody. And Jesus comes to give you the inheritance, that is in heaven, by His righteousness, because He alone is good and righteous!

Now as I have said that God has revealed Himself to the world already, Jesus is willing to save everyone which is why, the Gospel is being shared throughout the world. It is reaching the corners of the earth and surely, every ear has heard about Jesus, no? If not, then soon it too will come true.

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