He presses the button to floor 4 without a word. Coworker seems too self-absorbed to notice anything about Protag. Protag turned around as the elevator stopped, coming face-to-face with the door. He really doesn't want to go in there again. In all honesty, he'd rather die than go in there. But he knows he has to. Then again, dying wouldn't do anything, so there's really no point in wasting time with that.

He looks at Coworker, silently wishing that he'd go with him. Coworker notices him staring and speaks up. "Infatuated with my charming looks, I see!" Coworker says proudly. Not exactly the response Protag was looking for, but he wasn't sure what he was expecting. Well, anything other than that, he guesses. But for once, Coworker takes a moment to examine Protag's features. Coworker may be self-absorbed, but he's not an idiot. I mean, how do you think he got this position in the first place? Coworker notices that's something's up with Protag, and he decides that he should probably do something.

Now, Coworker's not exactly great at comforting people, so he doesn't really know what to do in this situation. But nonetheless, he rests his hand on Protag's shoulder and asks him a question. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice softer than his usual outgoing and bold tone. Protag jumps slightly at the contact and looks at Coworker. Protag's stomach drops. There's been almost nobody in his life that's comforted him. And the ones that did ended up leaving him anyway. He knows that Coworker will eventually leave too and forget about him, but he might as well accept the comfort now, right?

But it's not a good idea to show vulnerability to your superiors. Especially cocky ones. So that's why he's trying his hardest to keep in tears, despite them already forming at the corners of his eyes. It burned his eyes, which made it hurt just a bit more. Though, it's really nothing he couldn't handle compared to the torture he's had to endure so far. But this wasn't physical. Well, it was kind of, but it was mostly mental torture.

Seeing that house again and having to live through the abuse, it was terrifying. To him, at least. Even though it was only one time, it scared him beyond belief. Sure, he tried his best to look like he was fine, but he's not. And he's too scared to tell anybody that. Too scared to be judged. He realizes that he's been staring at the floor this entire time. He must look weird as hell to Coworker.

He looks back up at Coworker. "I'm fine." He says, his voice strained to seem happier. He decides against talking any more, since it only seems to make him choke on his words. But there's one more thing he has to ask Coworker.

"..Can you come here?"

"Hm, why?"

"Just.. do it." Protag tells him. Coworker complies as he walks over to Protag without hesitation. Protag grabs Coworker's tie and pulls him closer to him. Coworker seems confused for a moment but doesn't pay much mind to it. Protag pulls Coworker into a hug and buries his face in the latter's chest, his glasses pressing against his face. Coworker's breath hitches for a moment as he freezes, but he slowly returns the embrace.

They stand there in each other's company for a few minutes when Coworker starts to hear sniffling coming from the man pressed against his chest. He looks down at Protag and feels tears bleed through his shirt. And holy shit, that shirt cost a lot. He contemplated pushing Protag off, but he decided against it. He's not that much of a jerk, after all.

He lets Protag weep into his shirt for a while as he starts to feel kind of awkward. I mean, how would you feel if somebody you barely knew started crying right in front of you? Still, he doesn't do anything. He feels as though he should actually say something to brighten the mood, but he has no idea why Protag's crying out of nowhere. It could be a pretty serious topic for all he knows.

"Why are you crying?" Coworker asks. You think he'd ask that when he first noticed Protag crying. Well, he did just notice, since it definitely took some time for Protag's tears to bleed through his shirt. No wonder it was so expensive. And the author really needs to stop commenting about how expensive Coworker's clothes are. Anyway, Protag looks up at Coworker, his eyes wet and his expression pained.

Coworker feels guilt, yet he's not sure why. He opens his mouth to say something, but decides against it. "Uh, do you want me to go with you?" Coworker asks Protag as he looks down at him. He usually wouldn't accompany people with tasks, much less risk his life for them. But with Protag, he feels a bit different. He can't place a finger on what it is, but he's sure it's nothing.

"Okay." Protag responds, mustering a small smile. He pulls away from the embrace hesitantly and reaches to Coworker's hand before flinching a bit. Maybe he's being too touchy right now. What if Coworker is off put by him? He retreats his hand, but not before Coworker grabs his hand and flashes a grin to him. It relieves Protag in a way as he looks back at the door, feeling less anxious. He tugs Coworker's hand and walks to the door. He turns the doorknob, now ready to face the horrors that lie ahead.


wow that sucked

then again wattpad standards aren't really high

but still

anyway hope you liked it bc it took me 3 days to come up with this

oh and i also didnt proofread it so yea

anyways actually play elevator hitch bc its a cool game


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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