" Jyeshtha. Are we doing the right thing? Fighting this war? Killing of so many people? Wo both know the peace treaty holds no meaning. If no one stood for peace till now, no one will do it anymore. Mamshree Shakuni will do some prapanch. He will make sure we fight. "

She saw his worry, touching his head with love. He might have become the samrat, a father a husband, but he was always her Yudhishthir. The little boy who worried for the lives of all.

" Yudhishthir. We must understand. Nothing we are doing is in our control. If Narayan wants us to fight, we'll have to fight, even if we don't want to. If we don't go according to his rules, he'll create more reasons to fight. He'll do whatever it takes to establish dharm. We are no one to meddle with his plans. "

He was still sceptical and put his head in her lap.

" But Jyeshtha. We as humans cannot let go of the fear in our hearts. I am ready to die, you are, our brothers are. But I am not ready to lose my sons. I can't imagine that we will maybe lose them all in this fight. You lost one of your children already. Doesn't it scare you, that you might have to lose another? "

A tear fell on his face. He looked up at his sister, who hastily wiped it away.

" Yudhishthir. We are all destined to die. When or why we don't know. But we do know we will. Why fear death than? In any scenario. I know we'll protect our children. We'll keep them safe. We'll try our best to make them safe. " She told him.

" You are right. But then why do you cry so? "

" Ah. I met my daughter today. "

" Aahana? She came three days ago. "

" Not Aahana. Madirakshi. The one I lost. "

" Who? You lost? What? Wait. Is she the one who-who-who died in your womb? Thenone who was unable to experience life? " He asked her, now scared.

" Yes. We went to meet her in the Narayan temple. Mata Lakshmi brought her to us. Moksh and Aahana. They looked so happy to see her. They were the ones to name her. Madirakshi. She looks just like Aahana. But she has hair like mine. " She told him, as the other five brothers joined in the room.

" Jyeshtha? May we also recive your love? It will send us back to the kutirs of our childhood. " Arjun said.

They sat down, one by one, head in her lap. She was at peace. They were at peace. No war could have interrupted their peace.

Karn walked in on her, moving her hands through their hair as they slept.

She indicated him to be quiet with a finger on her lips.

He walked up and behind her. Maneuvering her to rest her head on his shoulder. If she was their Jyeshtha, he was her Jyeshth. Her Gurubhai. Her peace was his responsibility.

That day, the brothers and sisters felt more at home then in any palace, forest land or hut. They were home.


" Holi aa rahi hai. How shall we celebrate it? " Aahana said, as she walked with her mamashree Nakul.

" Putri. It is time of war. You want to celebrate Holi? " He asked her, laughing.

" Why not Nakul. Holi is a festival of joy. It brings peace above all. It is about the win of dharm over adharm. What better time to start a war after playing holi? "
Arjun said, jumping behind his brother.

" Parth is right Nakul. Aahana. We will play the best Holi ever. "

" But no Holi is like dwarika's Holi mamashree. We can do so much there. "

" Holi is about the people you are with putri. After all, you'll have children of your age around
now. "

Which was why he thought
' 3 2 1 ' .

" Raajkumar Arjun. Raajkumar Nakul, Dwarikadheesh.
Pranipat. " Uttar said.

" Kalyan ho. "

" Pranipat Yuvrani. " He said, looking at her. Krishn meanwhile just sitting there, a soft smirk on his face. The two brothers just looked between the two children.

" Pranipat Yuvraj." She answered softly. Arjun and Nakul both realised what Krishn was doing.

They ran from their, as fast as they could to Karunika.

" Jyeshtha! Jyeshtha! Look at what Madhav is doing! "


Shree krishn. Now you'll have it from Karunika.

Anywho. How were the feels? I was feeling emotional and this is all that poured out. Holi aa rahi hai. This should be fun.

As always, please share your opinions through votes and comments. I hope you all enjoy. We're nearly at 500 votes 🥳🥳🥳.

Please help me further. We shall get it to more soon won't we? It'll bump it up to better rankings in tags so that others may find this book that i have written. Late night dreams bring you this.

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Right now we are here. We need it to be really high. Thank you all for love and support.

Much love

Radhekrishn ❤

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