My nose wrinkles and I shift uncomfortably in the bed, lowering my head to my bed tray table. "I, uh... Nope. Never had the chance to learn."

"What?!" she exclaims. "Really? Okay. Next time I'm going skating, you're coming with me."

I press my lips together and lock my eyes with her again. "Do I have a choice?"

She throws her head back when she laughs, my heart flutters at her sight. "Nope. We're doing it."

"Sure." I find myself nodding and thinking I would do anything for her if it gets me that smile. What's wrong with me?

Her brown eyes gleam, looking into mine. "Want me to put on some movie?" she says, the Netflix logo is already in her TV.

"Oh, uh... I should probably go. You must be tired."

She rolls her eyes, her pink lips curve into a smile. "I'm not, I'm fine. Do you want to stay?"

Do I want to stay? Yes, my brain says immediately. Stay. She makes you feel good.
Stop being afraid, Willow. "Sure, yeah. What's your favorite?"

Summer throws the covers off her body and sits on the edge of her bed, she grabs her bed tray and places it on the ground to make more room in the bed. She's full? She hasn't eaten anything. I've been noticing she just played around with her fork while she talked and I ate almost the entire meal.
Her soft wavy hair bounces when she's back on her bed, leaning her back against the white headboard.

Her eyes meet mine again. "Uh... probably Black Widow from Marvel. We used to watch that movie so many times when we were kids. Oh, The Marvels, too. It's like my comfort movie." her expression softens at the memory. "What about you?"

Oh, god. Her sad puppy eyes will be the death of me. "Um, I haven't seen that much movies in my life but maybe... Mamma Mia? or Lalaland."

"Ohhh, I love those. Can we watch them?" her eyes shine.

I chew on my cheeks trying hard to not smile. "Sure, but Mamma Mia. I don't want to ruin my day watching the ending of Lalaland."

Her body shakes when she laughs. "Hey!" she smacks my arm. "I cried with Mamma Mia, too."

"You did?!"

"Of course! The second movie is sooo sad. I cried for three hours straight when I finished it." she pouts and I notice the soft pink in her cheeks. So pretty.

While Summer searches for the movie we're about to watch, I turn my head left, to her window, after I hear the tap, tap, tap against it. Raindrops fall from the blue sky softly, like a sweet melody to this night. Usually, I would put on music and let myself get lost between the sound of the rain and my songs, but right now... I want to be here. With her, watching a movie, while the sky brings the melody of the rain to the room.

"Oh, it's raining!" Summer exclaims with a smile, she stands up and holds a hand to me. "Come on."

I tilt my head, staring down at her hand in front of me and then at her face. "What? Where?"

"Let's go. Trust me." she gives me those sad puppy eyes again and I take her hand. Damn, she's good.

She's barefoot, only pink socks covering her feet and an oversized Lana del Rey hoodie, she drags me downstairs and I follow until we hit the back door. Her family is nowhere to be seen but I know they're close, I can hear the TV in some other room.
Summer opens it and the cold breeze hits my face immediately but my body is still warm because I'm holding her. Her backyard is made of movies. It's so big, I don't doubt you can build another house right here. The place is lighting up with soft lights, there's a pool in the middle of it and a lot of patio furniture. My heart stings at the side of the gigantic playhouse and the treehouse between the house next door.

dancing in the stars (ballerina x singer wlw romance) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ