chapter thirteen

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I grew up surrounded by ice rinks, stadiums, hockey players everywhere and I'm used to it by now– I've been used to my mom's world since I stepped on it but the smell... Gosh, the smell. My mama always smelled good– her teammates too, but these boys? Jesus Christ.

"Don't even think about getting closer to me." I say, palms in front of my chest in order to protect me from the sweaty boy coming out of the locker room. He gives me a boyish grin, making me take another step back. "I mean it. Don't come any closer."

He brushes a hand through her curls. "C'mon, Sunny girl. We've won! I deserve a hug."

"And a shower, too." I tease, rolling my eyes. "Go hug your mom, Lucas."

Aunt Lauren's eyes widen and shakes her head. "Oh, god. Please don't."

Lucas laughs, throwing his head back. "Good to know my family loves me."

"We're happy for you, Luke." his mom says, her gaze softens at the sight of her first son. "But please, take a shower so we can go have dinner. Luna and Mia are waiting outside."

Lucas nods but hesitates before leaving. His dark eyes find his mom's. "Dad?" he asks, making my heart squeeze in my chest.

"He, uh..." Lauren hesitates. "He couldn't make it. Sorry, sweetie."

"It's fine." he brushes it off. "Rory?"

"With your sisters." I say, trying to change the subject. "She's been waiting for you but Audrey asked her to come to the bathroom with her."

"I'll be right outside." he says before disappearing inside the showers again.

Lauren links her arm with mine and leads me outside where our families are.
I feel how tense she is every time Lucas mentions his father– I don't know much, but I do know my moms had been close to the Johnson family their whole lives and one day, their father just stopped showing up at our house and next thing I know– he's living in Toronto. "For work" it's what aunt Lauren says but man, he's been gone almost a decade. He is gone so much that his youngest daughter didn't recognize him on her fourth birthday. He just shows up one or twice a year, hangs with his daughters, says some shit to Lucas and then leaves for another twelve months. I don't understand how Aunt Lauren is still married to him, but it's not my place to say anything.

The cold breeze makes me cross my arms over my chest once we step outside. My moms are waiting for us next to their car. Mom has her arms wrapped around my little sister's body and my mama hugs both of them trying to keep them warm. My little sister, Millie, probably has like seven layers of clothes because my mom is that dramatic but if Millie hates it, she doesn't say it. She's such a mommy's girl.

I notice my mom's blue eyes sparkling when she sees me, she immediately opens her arms for me and I smile, welcoming her and placing my head just above her heartbeat. "Hi, mommy." I whisper. Okay, maybe I'm a mommy's girl too.

"My Sunshine." she sighs, leaving a kiss on my cheek. "You weren't at the game." she points out and my heart squeezes.

"I'm sorry. I had to stay in the studio." my voice comes out weak and I take a step back, looking up at my mama, who brings me to her arms.

"She didn't let you go?" mom asks, confusion and worry fills her voice.

I can only hope my mama doesn't feel my pulse speeding up. "She, uh. Yes, but I... I had to keep practicing. You know, the performance is just two months away." I attempt to laugh but it comes out like an awkward-horrible sound.

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