𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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Elizabeth POV

"Bambina I will be one second", Stefania whispers to me softly and I nodded as she moved before getting up.

I watched as she walked over to the bar before motioning for Toni, I watched as she said something to Toni who just smiled and walked away.

I watched as the guys were all playing darts, the girls were all sitting together. But where did Clayton and Rene go?

I just shrugged, I don't know if he had work obligations or not so I just assumed he did. I just sat there before Stefania walked back over and offered me her hand.

"I asked her to call up some of the guys to clear the floor, also asked her to pour us water shots if they ask to do shots. We've drank enough tequila and if I drink anymore, well it will cause everyone to question everything", she tells me and I bit down on my lip.

"Can I go ask for a specific song to play?", I ask and she nodded before motioning for Damon as he walked up with Anthony.

"Tell Damon the song, he's in charge of the DJ booth tonight", she tells me as she placed her hand on my back.

I rested my head on her shoulder as he walked over while wiggling his brows. I just smacked him and he laughed a little.

"I have a favour", I ask and he nodded.

"Anything for you, what's up?", he asks as he leans over to talk.

"Can you play a song called Traitor?", I ask and he nodded a little before asking, "From that uh artist Olivia right?".

I just nodded and he hugged me a little.

"Are you sure, the lyrics scream the truth", Stefania asks as she watched us hug and I nodded.

"I need it, I mean it will be very appreciated. Plus who doesn't like her music, maybe they won't be too caught into it. They don't need to know that I requested it either", I say to her and she smiled.

"Do not say someone requested it, just go play the entire album on shuffle or something", Stefania tells him and he nodded.

"Oh and if you two need a ride, I can drive y'all back. I mean I know that Frankie is crashing here and you've both drank, so I can drive y'all home", he tells us and we both nodded.

"Yes please Damon, and go go play the record already", I tell him and he laughed as he went to help finish clearing the floor before they walked back down.

I moved to look at her and she smiled.

"Are you absolutely sure?", she asks as she looks at me and I nodded.

I moved my hand to cup her face before whispering, "I am sure, plus they are all drunk and probably won't be listening intensely to the lyrics".

"You make a good point bambina, now let's go and have some fun", she whispers and I smiled a little as she took my hand in hers.

She guided me out onto the new dance floor as everyone else drunkenly joined us. The one thing about all of them is, no matter what they drink.

Plus they all know me drunk, they know how I get. So I don't have to worry about them questioning me. I just felt insanely relaxed, she wrapped her arms around my waist as I moved mine to her neck.

Us just staring at one another with a soft smile before I felt another set of arms around my waist. I just laughed as I saw the look on Stefania's face.

"Hi Florence", I whisper and she laughed a little as I turned to face her, letting myself press more against Stefania.

She just laughed as I was now sandwiched between the two. I felt Stefania's arms move a little after Florence moved hers to cup my face.

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