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Saturday September 17th, 2022

Elizabeth POV

The dreaded sound of loud noises was coming from the neighbours house, my head was pounding profusely and I wanted to scream from the pain.

I grabbed one of my pillows and shoved it into my face trying to block out the noise. But I was a little too late, the noise was now haunting my thoughts.

I tossed the pillow across my room as I opened my eyes and groaned instantaneously due to the sun shining through my apparently wide open curtains.

I had no idea what time it was, but it definitely wasn't overly early in the morning. I sighed before I heard my phone silently vibrate on my nightstand.

I reached for it and slumped back in bed before seeing a bunch of texts. Some from my sister's and I's group chat, some from Aubrey, a bunch of texts from Scarlett, one singular text from my mom and her.

I smiled as I noticed it was her text that caused my phone to go off before I opened the one from my mom.

Hey I had to run out, be back in the afternoon

I didn't bother texting back as she won't get upset over me not responding. I went to the texts from Aubrey and laughed as I opened them, the first two were definitely sent while she was piss drunk and the last few were probably sent when she woke up.

I was just kidding last night
Anyways, you both look hot together
I hope your hang over is not as bad as mine

I laughed a little as I knew if I ignored her text that she would show up at the door.

You're an asshole and no I did not
But thank you?
I am beyond hungover,
I feel like my brain is on a massage chair

I closed out our conversation as I went to see what Scarlett texted me about.

Hey bitch!!
I'm in LA
Can we please meet up?
I've missed you

I shook my head a little before texting her back.

Hey bitch!
Oh yes please, can I come over to yours?

I waited a few minutes before getting a response from Scar.

Yes, come on over

I'll head out soon

I closed our conversation before opening the group chat. I sat there reading all the messages before rolling my eyes and closing the chat. It had nothing of importance for me so I didn't care enough to message back.

I then opened my chat with Stefania and smiled a little at her text.

Good Morning Bambina

Good Morning Amore

I locked my phone after pressing send and slowly stood up. I walked over to my closet and decided to look for something to wear to Scarlett's.

I opened my closet door before humming softly to myself, I had no idea on what to wear today. My brain wasn't functioning to it's best capability yet either, so I feel so out of it.

I decided to go the easiest way out. I grabbed a pair of black pair of jeans, I pulled out the first pair I saw. I looked at them and let out a grateful sigh when I saw they were a pair of mom jeans.

I chucked them towards my bed before grabbing a bra, underwear and socks. I chucked them to my bed as well before looking at my tees.

Nothing was screaming wear me "Lizzie", so I groaned a little before noticing Stefania's shirt was sitting on my little bench.

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