Sailfish One

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Too many people...

Sailor hunched his shoulders as he did his best not to limp as he followed the huge group of freshmen in front of him. He didn't want eyes on him in general, but definitely not on his very first day at the university he'd worked so hard to get into.

I wonder when I'll be able to go see my brother.

His older brother, Reed, also went to the school and had been the biggest reason he'd worked so hard to get in. He was a senior this year and on the dean's list, and Sailor looked up to him so much.

"And this is our set of pools," the guide said, snapping Sailor out of his thoughts as he quickly jerked his head up and to the side.


Unable to help himself, he hurried over to the giant floor-to-ceiling windows lining the right side of the area they'd been walking through. He'd ignored most of the guide's words since he wasn't interested in the gym equipment on their left, but the pools!

I miss it...

His inner animal perked up at the sight, but he quickly pushed it back before it could try to make him act.

Why even bother, he chastised it, and himself, as he inched backwards, then turned to face away from the giant bodies of water calling his name.

You can't even swim anymore. Stop letting yourself get distracted.

"Oh wow! Who is that?!" someone shouted as the group pressed themselves against the glass to look down at the pool on the right side of the massive room on the first floor.

"How can someone be that fast!" a guy said in awe as a girl hurried to speak after him.

"Is that the water devil?!"

What are they talking about? Sailor wondered as he hesitantly moved closer to the windows again, then looked back down.

"Oh wow..." he whispered as he stared, his pure black eyes going wide as they fell upon the person down below.

He's so fast...

He pressed closer to the glass, no longer paying any attention to the group around him.


His eyes followed the man as he blurred through the water, a faint shimmer trailing behind him that grabbed and held Sailor's attention, not allowing him to look away for even a second.


He pressed his fingers against the glass and swallowed the saliva that had pooled in his mouth.

Wow, wow wow wow.

"Excuse me, young man?"

The man below had finished his laps and was just getting out of the pool. As Sailor trailed his eyes down his muscled body, he couldn't help but be in awe.


Sailor pursed his lips as he pressed his forehead against the glass, his eyes finally stopped on the shimmering portion of the man's body below.

So it hadn't been a trick of the light. His swimsuit is gorgeous.

"Young man, you need to catch up to your group," a lady beside him said sternly, finally snapping him out of his daze.

Sailor quickly straightened and stepped away from the window, his face burning as he realized that he'd gotten so distracted!

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered, then looked ahead.

Sailfish-(mxm) (Rever Series Seven)Where stories live. Discover now