day 7 of heat one last burst of energy

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Alastor woke up with energy that he had never had before and started looking around for something to do. Lucifer who had been up for a good while getting a lot of activitys ready for alastor to do as Lucifer did his research and knew that the last day of heat the people would have a lot of energy just like a toddler would. Lucifer walks in to the room and sees alastor drawing random things. Alastor gets up and rushes to him hugging him, lucifer chuckles alastor was acting like a bit a child would as well and that let alastor know that today was the last day of alastor's long heat. Lucifer was a bit disappointed that alastor would go to the hotel the next day so lucifer had a gift for him tonight. "Well I'm happy to see you to dear doe." Lucifer says. Alastor glares at him alastor didn't want to be referred to as a doe as he wasn't. " Oh calm down al I don't mean you any harm... well non that you don't like that is."Lucifer says with that lust filled smirk on his face. Alastor blushed at bit, alastor did like some forms of pain and now that lucifer knew this he was going to take advantage of it. Lucifer walked alastor to the workshop that he had. Alastors eyes widen at how much stuff there was to do.

So I'm ending this im sorry but I don't have any ideas to continue the story I'm sorry

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 25 ⏰

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