Catch Up

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"Just say my name." Seungmin whispered.

Changbin panted, stretching taut as his fingers entered him. They were so slick he only felt heat in his stomach as the vampire prodded his previously sore rim. "Seungmin-"

"Yes. Mmm again."

Kisses up his bare chest, along his hairline. Changbin gripped the seat with both hands above his head, angling his body to be more accessible. "Seungmin ah-" He felt more wetness, then an insistent pressure. "Wait-"

"Won't hurt you, couldn't hurt you."

"Not what I mean- wait- hnn!"

Seungmin had already pressed in, and Changbin hissed, expecting the pain to flare up- but it didn't.

"You... healed me?"

"Yeah, but you can still scream, baby." And he started to thrust, cupping a hand over the top of Changbin's head and breathing in his air. Absorbing every single twitch of his face.

"Ah, you're fucking big."

"Thank you."

"Not a- uh! Nuh-not trying to compliment you- nnh!"

"You're so perfect." Seungmin licked up his jaw, along the shell of his ear. "So strong and beautiful."



"This angle is- it's weird 'Minnie. Feel strange-"

"It'll be just like yesterday. You'll feel good in a minute-"

"But I don't like it- stop!"

Seungmin pulled back, hovering over him, halfway inside of the human's quivering core. He wondered how many times Minho and Jisung had told him to stop, and he hadn't. If he'd ever forced pleasure on them. How often had he assumed they didn't really mean it?

Changbin huffed, pink in the face, sweat at his temples. "Don't fold me in half like this, I'm not flexible like Felix."

"Sorry." He kissed him, waited for the shorter to get more comfortable and internalized his own pain. It was eye-opening. Being with someone who hadn't been spiritually crushed.


Seungmin dropped his waist, sinking back in.

"Slow down! I don't do this shit every fucking day."

The vampire laughed, overjoyed by the bossy way he was talking to him. Absorbing the teachings like water. "I'm sorry."

"If you want to keep laughing at me you can just stay hard and take me home."

"No, no. I'm done."

"Then be gentle with me."

"Gentle, hmm?"


"I'll try."

He went slow, keeping stock of his expressions- fine-tuning his own motion until he had the human shivering with pleasure.

"What-uh... fuck 'Minnie... what the hell-"

"Should I cum first?"

"Yes-suh... don't... ahnn" Changbin had become pliable as warm rubber, giving in to him entirely "Don't bite me."

"Okay, Binnie baby. Hold on."

As soon as the human's arms were wrapped around him Seungmin chased his own release, cumming literally seconds before he did and biting his own arm in order to keep his word.

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