4.dramas of traveling

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Before long we were jumping on the Ouibus for 10 euros outside the hotel Shangri-la in paris on the bus tracedero N53 I didnt know what the world had in store for us but as we all piled into the back of the bus, Kali wrapped her arms over the front railing over my seat and Sarah with her while Selena was on the other side looking at us and we were just talking, it seemed like yesterday we did this, just hanging out so much time passed and we all still were looking milly young only the world changed outside of our little bubble I sighed and looked at Kali and sarah and said "so we get off in brussels for now" and Kali looked worried slightly and said "do you suppose we'll be attacked before we get there?" and Sarah spoke saying "I hope not because if one thing I dont want is a bus crash" and we all nodded "for now lets get some rest it'll be a couple hours before we get there" it was in that moment we started to move towards Gare du nord the train station. Selena looked at me as we were moving and said "so what is this story of the Aesir?" and I scowled thinking and She said "come on Ciaran we're gonna be behind you in this the least we need is the story of why we're going" and I nodded and upon thinking it over pointed to judas "judas knows the story more than me" and we all looked at judas nodding and said "The Vikings were made up of landowning chieftains and clan heads, their retainers, freemen, and any energetic young clan members who sought adventure and booty overseas. At home these Scandinavians were independent farmers, but at sea they were raiders and pillagers. During the Viking period the Scandinavian countries seem to have possessed a practically inexhaustible surplus of manpower, and leaders of ability, who could organize groups of warriors into conquering bands and armies, were seldom lacking. These bands would negotiate the seas in their longships and mount hit-and-run raids at cities and towns along the coasts of Europe. Their burning, plundering, and killing earned them the name víkingr aka viking. the Vikings spoke Old Norse and made inscriptions in runes much like the magic that young Caleb uses. For most of the period, they followed the Old Norse religion. The Vikings had their own laws, art and architecture. Most Vikings were also farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and traders. Popular conceptions of the Vikings often strongly differ from the complex, advanced civilisation of the Norsemen that emerges from archaeology and historical sources. A romanticised picture of Vikings as noble savages began to emerge in the 18th century; this developed and became widely propagated during the 19th-century Viking revivalPerceived views of the Vikings as violent, piratical heathens or as intrepid adventurers owe much to conflicting varieties of the modern Viking myth that had taken shape by the early 20th century. Current popular representations of the Vikings are typically based on cultural clichés and stereotypes, complicating modern appreciation of the Viking legacy.."At that moment we came to the first stop was a mix of 'girls and boys these five will be known as Alex gabriel,willow,danielle,cassie,shian," they jumped on the bus and feel in front, and for some reason I felt tension, they were...human?" that was a question because they dressed like how we would be if we were human the first thing that Kali did was jump up with Sarah and nodded to one of the long pink hair a ponytail, eye shadow a total punk damn it Kali As soon as they stepped over girl stoped and looked at her and said "nice outfit you a tourist?" at first the move I exected was Kali to snap at her, but shouldnt to a stranger right? And She looked out "yeah we're from venice heading to berlin, I was to see the holocaust memorial and she widened her eyes slightly and said "your a jew?" and I immeditely jumped and Judas pulled me back and I looked at him and he mouthed "let it play" and I looked at Kali as she interacted with the girl and she said "yeah Im hebrew I was in born in it until I moved here" and She nodded and looked at one of the other girls and said "willow here is jewish bred shes come from new orleans" and I heard Selena gasp lightly and I heard from in my mind "WIllow was the name of the witch in new orleans I dont think its her, but maybe her kin but..after Abbadon wiped her memory I dont know if she remembers it" and I nodded and looked back at them and Kali nodded and said "Im Kali, my brothers and sister are on this train with me we're travelling europe" and The girl looked from the others and said "Ok introductions IM Alex, that girls willow, thats gabriel over there, danielle, and shian we're from the band "A distant memory is a far off soul" and I saw Kali energy spike "oh my god I know you I mean I dont know you but I know your music" and I was taken back by this and she started to talk really fast which was off for Kali "oh my god the names stuck Alex your THE alex carmicachael the guitarist, Gabriel the Gabriel the nicknamed "angel on the drums" and he smirked "nice to meet a fan" she then pointed to the boy Shian the melodic voiceover and Danielle the bassist oh my god.." and Alex blushed slightly and said "Honestly not gonna lie it was nice to meet someone from far off" and She nodded "can I have your autograph?" I couldnt help but smirk at this and Judas looked at me and said "see now what would have happened if I let you go over there to protect her?" and I nodded "sometimes its good to let it play" and he nodded I then looked over and as Kali comes bouncing to us again and I couldnt help but smirk "Getting your book sis?" and all I saw was stars in her eyes damn she got more starstruck than I would, a sign that music is in our blood She unzipped her book and pulled out the bright blue book that she ut everything into and she brought it over to the band and held it over to her can you please sign this? And she wiped her hair out of her eye and said you got to do something for us first?" and I held myself back because I didnt want to interfere but even talent has those assholes but I looked over at Judas and I whispered "let it play" and She blinked and cocked her hair to the side and said "what? I dont have alot of money" That was a lie of course but she knew better than to give money out. That was when she smiled and waved at he "Im not the kind to take money from a fan just say please and smile and get me a marker" and she scowled, thinking then breathed and dropped her head down then looked at her and gave the covergirl smile and said "please?" and she said "Ok but you still need to get me a marker" and she frowned disapointed 'I dont think I have one" and gabriel piped up "I think I got one we'll all sign it" and Kalis smile added a look of added surprise I swear Kali was going to have a heartattack 15 minutes later Kali comes back with her pages covered in colored shapes, and signatures, and smiley faces and when Kali bounces back She was so happy she started to put it away thats when the next stop happened and WIllow pulled on the line and said "well this is our stop, later Kali" and we all waved them off. When the band took their leave and it was us again we were all hearts at Kali who was all smiles. The first thing that was said was "Sarah you better hold Kali tight shes about to jump through the roof" and we all laughed and Kali scowled slightly "you guys all laugh I just got my book signed by all six of the members of "A distant memory is a far off soul" Once again we were alone on the bus travelling through the city of Paris we were about to get there. I apparently had dozen off because when I opened my eyes the bus was on fire the lights were rickety, and the lights flickered and when it went out it was revealed that there was a world of fire outside, my eyes widened and I coughed as the smoke got into my lungs I looked over and saw a long robed character looking at me and it unrolled out a stretch of paper that had what? I cursed as I read the signatures that the band write on Kali's book did...did they sign the devils book? Or is Kali the devils book? I got up and swung my knife at the creature who caught me and threw me into the window my back and neck bouncing off the hard seat. I rolled off and onto the floor and when I got up it was gone in place was the band that Kali was soo happy about and the middle Alex spoke first "you shouldnt believe everything you see Caleb...we didnt know Kali was holding the devils book..seems looks can be decieving..." I didnt know but in a way I should have it only stands to reason that abbadon woud use me in more ways than one ot get more than he bargained for the voice came back to me "We dont make deals unless we get more than we risk" it seems that in echange for wiping her memory they used Kali as a weapon and now I know...thats when I heard a voice deep and snarlig "saying and what can you do about it? Your both under my contract Caleb you bargained your soul for Kalis but she bargained her own to not remember anything" and I growled as the shadows formed into Abaddon's long blacki locks lack skin and deeo glowing red eyes he growled at me and said "and what makes you think I didnt want you to know? Its alot more fun when my prey struggles..you still owe me Alexis and Gabriel now now dont struggle Im not that bad a guy I see you struggle now what would you say if I gave you just abit more since I see you struggle..you give me Alexis and Gabriel and I remove this... horrible curse on Kali and I give you her idols that she unnknowingly sent the dark abyss" and I cursed at him and spat in his direction "You think I would make a deal with you? you lying bastard you harmed my family, curse my sister and.." and I spoke "aand?" and I growled "I plan on giving you your dues I plan on giving you gabriel and Alexis but not because you are tempting me but because i want my family safe and I wont have you harming those that matter to me friends or family" and he growled a sick smirk on his face "ah dear Caleb a warriors heart you look for the solution for everyone but your own problem so this is what I will do..if you give me Alexis, and Gabriel I will TAKE the vatican city OFF the table.." and I widened my eyes this fool was serious the vatican city was the rock to keep me hung if I just have to give them ALexis and Gabriel thats when the words of Alexis came back to me "I know your got the idea to hunt the vatican city but whatever you do dont hunt me until you know the truth" thats when I looked at him and cracked my knuckles and said "I'll one up you..if I take this deal you ask, I will give you a soul with much more weight than alexis and gabriel and in the end you will give me my sister, my freedom, the band, and alexis and gabriel" and I glared at him he hissed at me he got angry and grabbed me by the neck and lefted me oout of my seat and snarled at me "Dare you to lie to me, what soul weighs higher than the original deal, no Alexis and Gabriel and even through your words of trying to WEEN your way to an easier position I will still take off the vatican city but mind you the clock is ticking who else will Kali accidentally take?" and he smirked before throwing me back to the seat and from there I passed out in the seat. I woke up from my sleep rather suddenly and my hand swung and my fist near collided with judas's skull who was right by me, luckily he saw it coming and he brought his arms up in a cross formation his shield taking the brunt of the attack but apparently my swing was so hard that even when he dodged the swing cracked the window and I looked around, sweat was pooling around my face I looked around and saw Selena next to me on my other side hand on my chest "shh its over, its over we sensed it are you ok?" and i nodded 'yeah Im fine, just alittle tired" I didnt want to tell her what I saw that abaddon had visited me in that moment that Kali has now become the holder of the devils book,first off even I found that suspicious" I looked at Kali who was talking with judas sister Sarah and they wre sharing an earphone listening to her mp3 player and I bet you she and her were listening to and It really bothered me. As the vision came back to me of seeing Alex and her band in an aura of blackfire, which turns out to be purple fire it was a sign of a satanic fire spell only Abaddon himself would run with black fire thats when I looked around and shook my head. I pursed my lips and ultimately my anger turned into curiosity. I got up and jumped onto the seat in front the of the girls and they both looked up and and I saw them jump. "OH shit Ciaran" Sarah said pulling out the earphone and Kali looked at me and smiled "CIaran is always a surprise he falls asleep suddenly then surprises us by jumping at us halfway ocross the-" Suddenly we jerked so hard that I flew out off the seat backwaards rolling and striking the poll of the nearby seat next to me. My arm collided with it and there were screams from the girls as Kali and sarah held each other and selena and Judas were holding onto each other.it was then there was a sudden impact, the sound of an engine and we looked outside and braced as a car once again slammed into the bus left side, sending us tripping to the right, then from behind sending us falling forward, one after the other.like earthquake tremors and we looked outside as a car was smashed hard against the left side of the bus, glass splintered from the impact and some had flew forward towards us, leaving us with minor to decent slash wounds from broken glass. My eyes widened and we both got up and started to check our land legs and my hand flew to the side of my side and my hand touched wetness..blood I was bleeding, and I winced, as I reached to my shoulder it was impacted but I couldnt look at it now. I got up and looked around and we all looked at Judas and then looked at Selena of course we looked at Selena and Judas hes the one person to take chaarge in a situation like this Selena spoke first "we need to tell if this was an attack or if this was a normal accident first off everyone?" and my hand flew to the back of my skull where my body collided with the seat and the pole. I grunted and said "I think we're all ok, minor cuts and bruises from the glass where are we?" and Kali pulled Sarah in and said "its ok its ok we're safe its going to be ok" and Sarah looked up, she was wearing a short sleeve, a pair of applebottom jean shorts and stockings and skateshoes. She was cut u from thel glass on her arms, and legs. and said "Jeez can we go one day without getting into a mess?" and Aimee who had run off to check the driver came back and said " the drivers fine apparently it wasnt an attack, or maybe it was" and I blinked and looked at her "what does that mean?" and She said "the reason for the suddeness was that we're in a three way pile up, we're surrounded by three different cars one on our left, one behind us and apparently a truck in front of us" and I blinked "we're in a three way car accident? How did we pull that?" AImee blinked and scowled, thinking. "According to the driver, whose shaken but alright, the lights flickered green then red and thats when a car flew by us and into our left side, and on our front was a turning car that we slammed into" and I bliinked "is the people around us ok?" I asked thats when I heard "hmm...something about this seems fishy ' I heard a voice speak to me and it didnt take me long to realize it was Nox, apparently the the movements woke him from slumber thats when I started to have a chat with him 'what do you mean its fishy? This seems like a random accident' and Nox looked at me from the reflection of the mirrors looking at me and nodded and said "You have a dream of abaddon and as soon as you have a conditioned conversation you crash because of the tick of the streetight?" and I saw him snarl slightly and I nodded and sat down and looked at my family through this, Sarah and Kali were alot alike in the same wounds from the glass, Selena had a slash on her face, I was moderately slashed on my cheek, my arm was impacted and the back of my head was bleeding still. I nodded and looked at Aimee she wasnt hurt but..wait did she see this coming?" She's a seer remember? And Nox spoke "you knew this,, she talked about being clairvoyant" and my eyes widened and I couldnt help but smile she might be more than human afterall. I nodded and looked at AImee who was taking control along with selena and Judas. We got up and walked through the bus looking around thank god it was only us, "isnt that what I was saying? I think someone brought this on" and I growled and sarah looked at me "Caleb why are you growling at me?" and I blinked at her "sorry no it wasnt at you Im hurt," and She turned to Kali "Kali your brothers hurt" and Kali stopped and came back to us and said "what? How bad? I seethe glass anything else?" and I looked at the mirror and I saw Nox glaring back at me and I turned form him and looked to Kali and winced "I slammed my arm on the pole, Its ok I may need some time to heal it but IM ok lets...just..get out of the bus and figure out where we are we still have plans" and SHe nodded;

trial of fire and water 4: Time stands stillWhere stories live. Discover now