Chapter Eight

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I unlock the front door and walk inside to hear Alastor's voice coming from the living room.

My ears perk up at the sound of his voice talking in French as I walk further inside and see him sitting on the sofa next to the phone.

"Oui maman, à bientôt." (Yes mamma, talk to you soon). As he wraps up his conversation I walk up to the sofa, standing behind him.

I put my arms on the back of the sofa and lean in towards him. "I didn't know you could speak French Al." I say as he turns his head to look at me.

"Oh, oui, mon amour. Ma mère m'a appris quand j'étais petit." ("Oh, yes, my love. My mother taught me when I was little). He smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss.

I lean in further as he kisses me as we part too soon. "I have no idea what you just said." I say laughing slightly.

He laughs as well. "I said that my mother taught me when I was little."

My eyes light up as I walk around the sofa and take a seat next to him. "Really? Was it hard to learn?"

"Non, j'ai toujours parlé la langue. C'était ma langue maternelle après tout." (No, I've basically always spoken the language. It was my mother tongue after all). I just stare at him with a confused look.

He laughs again and pulls me into his side. "I've spoken it since I was basically a baby so no it wasn't hard for me to learn."

I lean into him more and hum in acknowledgment. "Can you teach me?" He takes a moment to think.

"You really want to learn French?" I nod with a smile. "We can have secret little conversations after I've learned it." I giggle, causing him to give me a warm smile.

"I would love to teach you a bit of French." He pauses again to think. "Well to start, bonjour means hello."

"Bonjour." I say slowly trying to copy the way he pronounced it.

He nods "Not bad. Your pronunciation is good." I smile again at him as he thinks of another word.

"Au revoir means goodbye." I take a second to process how he said it and repeat it slowly.

"Tu t'en sors très bien." (You're doing great). I pay attention to his reaction and pick up on one of the words he said. "You said I'm doing great? Am I right?"

He nods with a wide smile on his face. "Yes, you're picking this up quite fast."

"I want a French lesson every day." I say excitedly. Seeing his reaction to me trying to learn makes me so happy.

Alastor laughs, as my excitement is clearly infectious. "Very well, every day now." He sighs contentedly. "I will gladly teach you each day from now on."

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

"I picked up on it pretty quickly after that." I shrug after I explain how Alastor taught me French slowly day by day.

"Aww that's really sweet that you wanted to learn it for him." Charlie coos.

"I think we're missing the big picture here." Angel says wide eyed. "You're tellin' me that HE actually dated someone."

Alastor replies casually. "Yes, yes we did." Causing everyone's eyes to widen. Charlie turns to me with a soft smile. "Wait, you two dated?" Charlie asks, surprised.

I glance at Alastor quickly to see him shrug in response. "We're married." I reply, causing everyone else to react even more.

Angel opens his mouth and closes it, not knowing how to respond. "You two were married?" Sir Pentious asks, puzzled. Everyone else seems equally dumbfounded.

I just stand there now realizing how awkward this whole conversation actually is. Alastor chuckles to himself as he looks at everyone's faces. "I take it this is not what you expected." He smirks.

"That would be an understatement." Vaggie deadpans. Everyone continues to look at Alastor and I, staying silent. "Alright, what's next? Are we going to move on to the next question or just keep talking about how surprised everyone is?" I ask as Alastor crosses his arms and looks around at everyone.

"An even better idea is to be done with this little Q&A-" I get cut off as Charlie grabs my arm. "You can come with Vaggie and I to talk to Heaven." Her eyes light up as I tense up at the idea.

"Oh hell no." I say sharply causing her to be taken back by my sudden rudeness. "That's not happening."

She lets go of me and gives me puppy dog eyes. "But you'd be able to help us so much with navigating around."

I shake my head, not giving in to the expression on her face. "Nope, not gonna happen."

She doesn't give up and keeps giving me those sad eyes that still somehow have a sparkle to them.

"Pleaseeee." Charlie whispers softly as a small crack appears in my wall of determination.

I sigh. "What will I get out of this if I agree?" I mumble. "Anything you want." She offers, seeming to realize she has no other cards to play then that.

"Wanna make that a deal?" I ask, reaching out my hand as a sly smile makes its way up on my face.

The room grows colder as my hand is outstretched and Vaggie begins to stand up to stop Charlie.

Everyone stares at me as Charlie stays silent for several uncomfortable moments. "Not a deal so much as a promise.." She replies, softly bringing my hand down with a smile as Vaggie sighs with relief.

I just shrug in response. "Can't blame me for trying." She gives me a small smile. "You sure can't." She then pauses before continuing a bit quieter. "So you'll come right? You promise?"

I nod in response as Husk speaks up. "Do we still gotta be here or can we do our own thing now?" He asks hoping the whole introduction and Q&A thing is over with.

Charlie sighs and nods her head slowly. "Yeah yeah, go on. Do your thing. I'm glad you guys all bonded." She says happily. "Good to see people getting along."

Everyone scatters leaving just Vaggie, Charlie, Alastor and I in the lobby now. "I can't believe you two were married." Vaggie says once they've all left.

The surprise must've been apparent on my face because she immediately covers up what she said. "Not that i'm judging or anything. I just wasn't expecting it."

I laugh slightly at her comment. "I wasn't planning on saying anything, it just slipped out by accident when I was telling the story."

"That was quite a big thing to slip up on." She says, but I can tell she's only teasing me gently.

Alastor hums. "Yes, she does that quite often." I deadpan as I look at him. "Quite often, indeed." He says and smiles softly at me.

Vaggie looks at us with an amused expression on her face. I roll my eyes and smirk lightly. "Anyway, what's next?" I ask.

"A portal will open up tomorrow so we should pack tonight and make a game plan for what we do once we get there." Charlie says.

"That doesn't give us a lot of time." I say as I cross my arms. "What do we need to do?" Vaggie responds this time. "Charlie has her whole spiel for the angelic council so all she really needs from us is to convince her she'll be fine."

As Vaggie finishes speaking Charlie's mouth is agape in offense and Vaggie just rolls her eyes playfully in response. "And we really don't need to pack. She's just over planning." She adds.

I nod and look at Vaggie with a playful smile. "So we're just sort of along for the ride then?"

Vaggie gives me a smile in return, nodding her head as Alastor just chuckles quietly next to the three of us.

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