Chapter Two

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I groan as I open my eyes and notice I am sitting in a dark alleyway. I lean my head against the wall, closing my eyes again.

It then hits me that I was just cast out of heaven becoming a fallen angel. I sigh standing up dusting off my dress.

I exit the alleyway and start walking in a random direction looking around at the atmosphere of Hell.

I eventually find myself on a lively street. I notice that most of the people are staring at me. Some of them are visibly afraid or confused while others have a look that reminds you of jealousy.

After a while however, a man with pure white skin, short and fancy blonde hair, red cheeks, and light yellow eyes with slit, red pupils, giving him an almost snake-like appearance suddenly appears in front of me.

"There you are. you were a tricky one to find. Most fallen angels don't just venture off when they get here. Actually we don't get many fallen angels but that's beside the point." he brushes off quickly giving me a smile.

I glance around quickly before I stare back at the man in front of me. "Hello?" I say more as a question than a statement.

"Ah there we go. You can talk that's much better than the last fallen angel I talked with." He nods as he looks around taking in the scene before noticing my confused look.

"My apologies I should have introduced myself." he fixes his suit slightly before continuing. "I'm Lucifer, it's quite nice to meet you (Y/N)."

"Oh," I exclaim, realizing who he is, "It's nice to meet you." He puts his hands on his hips, eying me slightly. "So I have to ask. you don't seem like the other fallen angels I've seen in the past, most of them seem depressed and out of themselves after getting here. But you seem more... alive."

I give him a small smile as I clasp my hands behind my back. "I was never supposed to go to Heaven. It was a fluke. And utter fluke." I respond by shrugging my shoulders, keeping the smile on my face.

He seems surprised by what I just said. "Hm, you may be the first fallen angel I've met that is actually happy about it." He crosses his arms as he continues watching me. "Are you actually happy you got kicked out of heaven?"

I shrug my shoulders again. "I didn't really care if I stayed in Heaven or got sent to Hell." I pause to look around once more. "How'd you know I'd be here though? Do fallen angels get special treatment or something?" I joke as he chuckles for a second before the smile on his face drops and he shrugs.

"Fallen angels are... special. Most of them don't stay. they either try to find a way back to Heaven or just vanish. But I get informed of any fallen angels so when they get here I can give them a tour of Hell."

I nod. "Fair enough. Alright give me your little tour. I'm curious so see more." He chuckles. "Alright follow me then." He turns on his heels before walking down a busy street, not seeming overly phased by the people staring at him.

As we walk he points out specific things while keeping up some small talk. He would explain a little bit of the history of Hell as we explore the city.

Occasionally seeming a little surprised by me responding to him and answering his questions instead of shutting down like most fallen angels do.

He would talk about the different deadly sins that were in each ring of Hell, giving me basic information about each. He would explain how each ring had its own environment such as the Lust ring being a vast desert or the envy ring being a cold tundra.

Lucifer takes about the pride ring the longest, as it is his ring after all. He also mentioned that this ring has a special and in establishment for sinners looking for redemption.

"The Hazbin Hotel?" I question as he points it out in the distance. "Huh, and people actually go there? That's an interesting concept." I think out loud.

He nods. "My daughter is the one running it. She wants to redeem everyone but I'm a bit more skeptical about it." he chuckles awkwardly then goes quiet for a moment.

"I'm actually supposed to be heading over there now, she asked me to come see her." I give him a confused look. "Then why are you giving me a whole tour right now? You should go see her if you told her you were coming over." I say as he avoids eye contact with me.

He gives me a sheepish smile. "No no I... should really be giving you this tour and-" he stops mid sentence not having a good excuse.

I roll my eyes. "Alright let's go over there. You're avoiding it I can tell. If I ask for a tour of the hotel you can't ignore it anymore so give me a tour." I give him an innocent smile as his eye twitches.

"That-" he lets out a breath "That's-" I can hear him mutter to himself "damn it" before he gives in and nods. "Fine, I'll give you a tour of the hotel."

"Aww that's so kind of you. Thank you." I smile wider, annoying Lucifer further. He grits his teeth before chuckling. "You're being intentionally annoying."

I give him a look keeping the smile on my face. "Ding ding ding. You are correct." I chime trying to imitate a radio host's voice. "You'll thank me later though."

He rolls his eyes with a smirk on his face, clearly amused, as we start to walk towards the hotel.

The walk to the hotel was quick and it was clear the closer we got the more excited Lucifer became to see his daughter.

We both stand outside of the hotel doors just staring at them until they suddenly open and I see a female that looks very similar to Lucifer.

He immediately wraps her up in a hug as she hugs him back, with a bit less enthusiasm. I keep my distance a bit to give them some room as I watch the interaction.

"Oh it's so good to see you. Haha!" Lucifer says during the hug. "It's uh, good to see you too, Dad." Charlie responds in a strained voice.

Noticing, he lets her go and she takes a breath. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie says with a smile lighting up her face.

She takes notice of me and her eyes start to sparkle. "Did you bring someone who wants to get redeemed? Oh my goodness, hello, welcome." She says while aggressively grabbing my hand to shake it. "You're going to love it here. You'll get redeemed in no time I can just tell. This is great, so so great."

I blink slowly at her trying to process everything that just came out of her mouth.

"I think you're bombarding her with a little too much information." A girl with white hair says putting a hand on Charlie's back as Lucifer gives a small laugh.

"She looks like a deer in the headlights. Haha." I immediately freeze after hearing that sentence. Deer. I take a deep breath and let it out as Charlie drops my hand.

She starts to utter multiple apologies for possibly overwhelming me and I try to reassure her it's alright. She's so flustered it looks like she might start tearing up.

I continue to comfort her awkwardly until Charlie and I glance over at Lucifer as he exclaims, "Razzle, Dazzle. Oh look how much you haven't grown. Still fun sized." I laugh slightly at his comment.

"You taking care of my wittle girl?" He shifts his voice to be deeper making it more ominous and threatening. "You better be." He then changes his voice back and snickers quickly. "Wow! This place sure looks, uh...uh huh, yeah uh huh...It's got a lot of character!"

I watch as his eyes scan the hotel's lobby eventually landing on the bar off to the side of the room making a face towards it. "Oh, what in the unholy hell is that?!" I start to laugh again, a bit louder this time before the lights start to flicker lightly and a tall figure dressed in red appears out of nowhere.

I immediately recognize the voice and I feel my chest tighten as I try to hold back tears. "Just some of the renovations we had done. It adds a bit of color, don't you think?"

Lucifer looked at him suspiciously, and pointed his stick at him. "And you are?" I never realized how much I actually missed his voice.

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