Shit happens

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It was finals week and class 1 A had set up a group study session in the common room of the dorms.

"Someone just put me out of my misery" denki groaned slamming his face dramatically into the textbook.

Midoriya smirked, leaning casually up against the wall.
"Only if Kacchan kills me first" Deku quipped, not usually one to joke, but participating nonetheless.
Sero just laughed, "How would that even work?"

"I'd come back as a ghost, duh." Deku continued "Rather die a hero than live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Sero sighed, "Fair enough I guess"
"Why Bakugou?" Denki piped in.
Deku shrugged, "Mix of irony and general preference"
"How so?"Sero asked.
"Well, I've known kacchan my entire life. As much as he hates to admit it we're practically family" deku shrugged, "That and he's efficient. He'd do it quickly so I wouldn't have to suffer."
Sero hummed, "Sounds like you've talked about this."

Bakugou entered the room with a grunt.
"We have. The nerd likes to have a plan for every possible scenario" he answered, "I'd choose him too, same reasons. He's too kind, he'd struggle with the decision, but if it had to be done he'd make it as gentle and painless as possible."
Denki stared at the two with a childlike curiosity, "How do you even start these conversations?"

Deku shrugged, "Y'know how it goes, late night, can't sleep, we both happen to be awake"
"And Bakugou is ok with this?"Sero retorts.
Bakugou shrugs, "Shit happens"
"Wait but don't you go to bed at 8?" Kirishima asked.
Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Late night for him, early morning for me"
The focus shifted to deku.
Denki let his curiosity get the better of him, "Wait, so when do you sleep?"
Izuku just laughed, "Sleep? We don't know her"
Sero rolled his eyes, "With the amount of time you've spent in comas that doesn't surprise me"
The mood shifted. Deku turned suddenly serious and the room ran cold. "Have you ever been in a coma? They're not even remotely the same" He shared in a manner far too nonchalant for the atmosphere.
Sero laughed in awkward reassurance "I mean, how different can it be?"
Deku's eyes darkened and his voice lost its light. His words held a certain gravity to them as he spoke,"There are no dreams, no passage of time. You can't feel anything on the outside. You go under and you come back out, that's all there is to it"
The room fell silent.
Kirishima, attempting to lighten the mood, shifted the focus, "Damn, so when Bakubro was crying and begging you to wake up after the war, you heard none of that?"
Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing, "He did what?!"
Bakugou blushed, "Shut up shitty hair"
Kirishima laughs, "He was desperate man, you really scared him"
Bakugou raises his voice, "I said shut up!"
Deku looked towards Katsuki with curiosity and kindness, hesitant but loving nonetheless, "Kacchan... is this true?"
Katsuki was having none of it. "So what if it is? Huh? You gonna mock me for it"
"No! Never" Deku shot back," It's just a shock is all. I didn't know you cared like that."
Katsuki scoffed, "Course i fucking care. I took a serious hit for you and you had to go and one up me with your stupid savior complex."
Deku's heart broke" Kacchan, I-"
Katsuki wasn't having it, "When I woke up and you weren't there, what was I supposed to think? I tried so hard to save you and you just had to go and get yourself killed! I just.."
He trailed off, leaving Izuku to pick up the pieces, "Kacchan?"
Katsuki fights back tears, "Can't you see that I love you dammit! I love you and I can't live without you! You've been in my life since day one. I'd be lost without you by my side. So yeah, I was fucking scared. Happy?"
Deku softened, "Kacchan, I... I never knew"
"Yeah, well I did a pretty good job of hiding it until now" Katsuki shoots back with a voice of malice and tone of thorns.

Deku walked hesitantly towards Katsuki, slowly as if approaching a wild animal not wanting to spook him away. "Kacchan?"

Bakugou growled, "What do you want?"
Izuku placed a gentle hand on Katsuki's cheek. "I didn't mean to scare you, He takes a deep breath and continues, "and I love you too. I always have."
"Awww that's so cute!" Uraraka squeaked
"My ship has finally sailed!" Mina squealed.
Katsuki was done with their antics, "Fuck off pinky"
Uraraka laughed it off and continued, "Deku that was so sweet! Go get your man!"
"And fuck you too pink cheeks" Bakugou shot back.
Izuku just laughed, "Kacchan, they're just trying to be nice"
"Nice?! It's demeaning! They're treating our personal lives like it's a fucking romance novel, you horny bastards!" Katsuki argued back.
Mina clutched her heart in mock hurt, "Ouch baku babe, we didn't mean it like that"
"We're just trying to be supportive, kero" Tsu added.
Sero sighed, "Guys, I think we should give them some space"
Izuku silently thanked him for having even the slightest bit of social awareness,"Yeah that's probably for the best"

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