Chapter 7; Not a Very Graceful Exit

Start from the beginning

"You don't seem very fond of them."

"My father has always been more-" He cut himself off. "It doesn't matter what I think." The prince turned to leave again.

"Seems a bit odd to execute someone right after the Feast of Starlight..." Durion says and Legolas doesn't respond, finally leaving the ebony haired elf behind.


Hours pass by. It could be few, it could be many. Durion just knew he was woken up by his cell door being yanked open and his dark tunic being grabbed. The dwarves yelled out after him as the guards dragged him off. He just sent Thorin a tiny apologetic smile as he saw the dwarven heir bang his fists on the bars. He was brought to the side yard and then and then backed up against a wall. Morning sunlight forced him to squint his eyes. There was a small balcony on the opposite side of the side yard and Durion saw the King sit down on a chair, watching him with an unamused expression. Behind him, Legolas stood, hands clasped firmly behind his back, avoiding looking at Durion. One of the guard elves stood a couple feet in front of him, readying his bow.

"Any last words, Dark Elf?" Thranduil spoke. Durion looked up at him, face unmoving.

"I am innocent."

"Hmm." The guard drew back the arrow and Durion's breathing quickened.

"Ada-" Legolas began, but was interrupted by sudden shouting from outside the side yard.

"The prisoners are escaping!" A shout was heard and Durion suddenly became the last thing on the other elves' minds. Legolas jumped over the railing of the balcony and sprinted towards the river. Thranduil rushed inside the palace, shouting orders left and right. The only guard that stayed behind grabbed Durion by his arm and started dragging him back inside. And Durion grabbed his chance. A quick shove and an elbow to the temple ended with the guard on the floor. The guard did not have a bow on him, so Durion just stole his sword. Then he ran.

"KILI!" He heard Fili shout for his brother as he rounded the corner and the dwarves finally came into his view. They were in wine barrels stuck in the river by a closed gate. Kili was on the ground above them clutching his thigh in pain. An arrow was stuck there. An orcish arrow. The orcs ran by the river bank, nearing the defenseless dwarves very fast. Durion gripped the sword in his hand tighter and went to protect them. Black blood splashed onto him as he cut through flesh and bone.

"Durion! You're alive!" He heard Bilbo shout at him in relief.

"You have impeccable timing, Master Baggins!" Durion grinned at the hobbit over his shoulder, then ducked under a swinging mace. Kili managed to pull the lever and open the gate, freeing the way for the dwarves. Durion frowned with worry when he heard the young dwarf let out a pained yell as the arrow snapped when Kili fell back into his barrel. The orcs start shooting arrows at them and Durion follows the barrels down the river, covering the dwarves in their escape. The dark haired elf was then surprised as two orcs burst through the bushes on his right and attacked him. One sword he managed to deflect, but with the other one he wasn't so lucky. He would have surely gotten his head cut off if it wasn't for an arrow slamming into the Orc's hand with great force. The sudden close brush with death left him frozen for a second and when he finally moved again, Legolas was already just a few feet from him. Durion quickly turns and flees from the elven prince. The orcs start to jump at the barrels and Durion runs after them. He draws the rune Uruz on his own chest and feels a surge of power wash over him. He jumps at the edge of one of the barrels and kicks the orc off Dwalin and then moves on to another one. At some point, Durion notices Legolas using the heads of the dwarves as stepping stones as he makes his way over the river with his bow in hand. He is aiming and shooting at the left riverbank and doesn't notice an orc jumping at him from the right. Durion's hand draws the shielding rune automatically. Legolas turns at the sudden dull thud of a body hitting the magical shield and his blue eyes widen. Then he searches for the source of the shield and his gaze finds Durion, whose arm is still outstretched, the Algiz rune slowly fading away with the air. Another orc creeps up on Legolas and before Durion can shout a warning a sword flies through the air and kills it. Thorin's sword. The prince and the rest of the elves stop pursuing them as the barrels cross the borders, Legolas watching the back of Durion's head with conflicted expression.

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