Unbelievable truth.

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Minho scoffed, feeling no remorse of what he was about to do. " Fine then.I abdicate my throne and relinquish my title, thereby renouncing all my rights and privileges"

Jisung felt his stomach drop as his face turned pale, he looked at Minho.

The king and queen widened there eyes. "What did you just say?" His mother asked.

"Did you not understand the first time? Here are other sayings.
I renounce my title and rights as prince and surrender all my royal privileges.
I abdicate the throne and forfeit the princely title and the duties that come with it.
Withdrawing the title of prince and relinquishing all the rights and privileges associated with it, I hereby voluntarily surrender the throne."

__________(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~____________

Jisung let go of Minho's hand with a pale face of shock. "Minho, W-What are you doing?"

Minho turned around, locking eyes with the only thing that mattered to him, "something I should have done a long time ago. Set myself free."

"Enough of this nonsense!" His father yelled, "guards, take him to his chambers and make sure he doesn't leave until I say so! And for God's sake take that damn village boy away!"

Yuna looked like she was about to object but she didn't dare to.

The guards grab both Jisung and Minho, pulling them away from each other.

"No, wait!," jisung shouted "Don't trap him in his room, he didn't mean it!"

"Stop! I command you to stop!" Minho said as he struggled to get free. "Let him go! Let Jisung go!"

Both of them were only worried about each other, the only time Minho wasn't in control of his wolf was when he touched Jisung for to long, and even then he never transformed against his will. But Jisung new nothing of restraint because he has never tamed the wolf he has.

"Ugh! Let him go!" Jisung yelled, "he did nothing wrong! Stop! I said stop!"

The guards continue to move the both of them away. Jisung finally lost it.

"STOP IT!!!"

The walls of the palace cracked at the sound of his voice, a big wave of force pushing the guards off of him and Minho, crashing them against the wall.

His eyes glowing dark blue, but he was still conscious. His breathing was heavy.

Everyone widened there eyes, including Minho who was just astonished.

No words were spoken, but it was obvious the king and queen knew immediately what was going on, who Jisung was..and it seemed they knew more than they ever let on.


Minho widened his eyes as the guards walked to Jisung with swords in their hands in case they need to defend themselves. Jisung looked terrified and his eyes were still blue, it looked as if he was going to crawl in a ball.

Minho's eyes instantly turned gold as he started to run,he jumped into the air, his hands and feet becoming paws, his skin becoming fur as he landed, full wolf form, in front of Jisung. He snarled at the guards.

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