James was so beautiful, Regulus thought. The way he smiled at Remus and Sirius, as though nothing could possibly make him happier. The way he nudged Lily and joked to her about how she'd missed her chance with Remus forever. The way he gently explained to Peter that there was nothing to worry about, the marauders were forever, and nothing could change that. The way his eyes flitted up to meet Regulus's and how he would then smile at him as though they were the only two people in the world. It all took Regulus's breath away. The news about Remus and Sirius had changed something, unknowingly and unspoken, but changed nevertheless and they both knew it. There was no way of knowing, not then, whether it was a good or bad change. Regulus felt a pull in his chest as James stopped looking at him, turning to face the clock.

"Look!" James exclaimed, pointing to the large grandfather clock as the hands struck midnight.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIRIUS!" The group chorused. Sirius beamed at every one of them. He looked down at Remus again, who leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips. Peter's mouth fell open in shock. The rest of the group began to cheer outrageously loudly. The entrance to the Common room was suddenly flung open. Sirius and Remus sprang apart, a reaction like flinching, uncontrollable. The whole group spun round to look at the entrance. McGonagall was standing in the doorway, clad in her tartan nightie and rollers in her hair. She looked thoroughly unimpressed.

"What is going on in here?" She tapped her foot, raising an eyebrow directly at Sirius.

"Well its officially my birthday and my darling friends wanted to ensure I felt the love. Care to join Minnie?" He smirked at her, knowing exactly how to both annoy and amuse her.

"What was all the shrieking about? I'm sure this is not the first time you've had a birthday Mr Black!" She retorted.

"Sirius and Remus kissed!" Peter blurted out before he was able to stop himself. He then slapped a hand over his own mouth, as though he couldn't believe what he'd just said. The whole group turned to look at him, almost as shocked as he was.

"I'm sure that's not the first time that has happened either" McGonagall said, quirking her eyebrow at them.

The group looked back at her and after a moment of letting her statement sink in, they all dissolved into a fit of laughter. Marlene and Lily were clutching each other, laughing at a pitch that was sure to be able to shatter glass. When Sirius was finally able to calm himself down, he looked over at McGonagall, she gave him a small smile and a wink.

"I can only imagine what manner of chaos will ensue today and therefore I must request that you all return to your dorms and no dawdling, especially you Mr Pettigrew. Mr Black, I'll escort you back to your House." She motioned for Regulus to follow her out.

"Wait!" Sirius interjected. "Can I walk him back please? I promise I'll go and come straight back. Ten minutes tops!" He pleaded

"Happy Birthday Sirius." The professor smiled at him before turning and leaving.

Regulus said his goodbyes to the group and left with Sirius beside him. Sirius was unusually quiet, but was radiating happiness.

"Are you okay Reggie? You can be honest. I know it must be a bit of a shock, especially with our background. I just have never been this happy, Remus makes me so happy." Sirius rambled as they walked.

"I am thrilled for you Sirius. Genuinely. It's amazing news. I've always liked Remus. Hopefully he can convince you to study for your exams, so you won't have to live off of his genius for the rest of your life." Regulus chuckled, nudging Sirius.

"Thanks Reggie! I'm glad you approve." Sirius threw his arm around Regulus's shoulder as he spoke, ruffling the other boy's hair. "Now we just have to find you a girlfriend!" Regulus laughed shortly but couldn't push away the sudden feeling of uneasiness in his stomach. Luckily, they reached the entrance to the Dungeons before Sirius could initiate a conversation about Regulus's romantic life. Regulus hugged Sirius tightly again and made his way to his dorm room. He pushed the door open slowly before crossing over to his bed, silently. Crouch was snoring loudly, occasionally shouting out something about war or murder. Regulus was accustomed to Crouch's sleep-talking and quickly cast a silencing spell over the boy's bed, plunging the room into silence. He slipped into his bed and stared at the ceiling.

Runaway love | JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now