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Three months later...

-Well, I let my guard down," I said with a smile, blood dripping from my mouth. That's why we've got door chains.

I take a deep wheeze and continue:

-They didn't teach me that at the orphanage.

-Ai! Don't speak! cries Aqua, looking for bandages in a bag. Shit! It's hit the abdominal aorta!

I take him in my arms and hold him tight.

-I'm sorry," I murmur. I'm pretty sure I won't make it. You're fine, you're not hurt, are you Aqua?

I feel my son trembling against me but he answers me, weakly, but he answers me.

-... No, I'm not.

I speak again, I want to say what's in my heart before I die.

-I wonder if they're going to cancel the Dome today. I'm causing so many problems for everyone. We also had a set schedule for the film. Can you apologise to the director for me?

I hear a knock at the door and a little voice asks:

-Hey! What's going on? What's going on here?

Ruby, oh no, I don't want... I don't want her to see me!

Luckily, Aqua beats me to it:

-Don't come Ruby.

-TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON! she shouted.

I feel my life slipping away, but there are some things I need to say to my children before I go.

-Ruby's dance at the festival was really good," I said weakly. You know, maybe... Maybe you'd become an idol later on. And if all went well, we could have gone on stage together. Oh, how much fun that would have been! And Aqua could become an actor. I wonder what kind of adults you'll be. Oh, and the satchels! I wanted to see you at the primary entrance ceremony with your lovely school bags. And when you visited the classrooms, everyone would have exclaimed "She's so young! "I wanted to watch you grow up. I wasn't a very good mother, but I'm so happy to have you. Erm... What else? Ah! I have to tell you this.

I take a deep breath, I'm so scared!

-Aqua... Ruby... I love you.

Tears well up in my eyes.

-Ah, I've finally said it! I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I'm just so happy... ! Those words were definitely not lies!

The stars disappeared from my eyes as I felt myself leaving.

It's a good thing I gave Gotanda the tapes.

Then everything goes black...

I wake up with a start, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why had I been dreaming? Why had I dreamt this?

My breathing is racing and my heart is beating so fast.

I wish I'd never had to relive those memories.

Soon I'm asleep again.


It was now three months since I had returned to nursery school and entered the world of cinema.

Despite the fact that they were three-year-olds, I had become much closer to Hana and Daniel.

They had almost erased the memory of Nino from my mind.

As for the filming, Ko had tried to ruin his life. But unfortunately for him, his efforts hadn't borne fruit.

Thanks to my experience in the world of show business in my previous life, it wasn't difficult for me to find parries to his cheap traps.

In fact, I was on my way to the set to revise the costume scenes.

-Ai, we've arrived! Mum said as she unbuckled my seatbelt.

I jumped out of my car seat, I had developed a taste for cinema.

When I got back to the studio, the director took me aside, which I found very suspicious.

-Ai! he said to me with a big smile (even more suspicious than that). Masachi Oshikawa, the little girl who was to play Ume before you and who is also your friend Ko's little sister, would like to talk to you.

What do you mean, my friend? He's not my friend! He's a stalker!

As for Masachi's request, I didn't really know what to think, what did she want from me in the end?

-So ? Do you fancy it, Ai? the director asked me.

I hesitated to answer, it sounded like I was on the lookout, but I just had to talk to a three-year-old! She didn't have the maturity to come up with such a ploy!

-I accept," I said to the director, determined.

-Very good choice, you won't regret it," he said, very happy.

I tilted my head to one side, didn't I? What kind of wording was that?

It was like he'd just sold me something!



But what does Masachi want to say to Ai? 🤨

A secret is about to be revealed 🤫

What made the director change his mind about giving the role to Ai?

I'll let you wait 😊.


We have reached the 2 K ! 😱 Thanks to all those who read, I didn't think this story would reach so many vues

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We have reached the 2 K ! 😱 Thanks to all those who read, I didn't think this story would reach so many vues.

Bye bye 👋🏻


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