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-Class 3: ... Hoshino Ai!

-It's your class!

I took one last look at my family, who were giving me encouraging gestures, and stomped towards my class row. In my old life, I'd left secondary school when I'd become an Idol. In other words, very early on.

I had no good memories of it anyway. I didn't get good marks, I was badly dressed and taciturn, and I didn't have any friends.

What's more, I was an orphan, the daughter of a violent thief.

In other words, the other children didn't go near me.

I closed my eyes, painful memories flooding back.

As I waited too long, a teacher came to take my hand and put me next to a little girl in my class.

The headmaster started calling the new nursery pupils again.

I was feeling really bad, wondering if I was going to faint.

-Hey, Psst!

I looked back at my classmate. She had long, straight black hair and big, light green eyes.

-My name is Hana Shiranui. What's your name? I was stressed so I didn't listen to your name, sorry.

I opened my eyes wide.

-Shiranui? Like Frill Shiranui?

Hana smiled at me.

-She's my aunt, my father's older sister.

I suddenly realised that in my surprise I'd forgotten to introduce myself.

-My name's Ai Hoshino, sorry for the delay.

-It was nothing. But tell me, are you related by blood to Aquamarine and Ruby Hoshino?

-Aqua and Akane are my parents, Ruby is my aunt.

-We're in a star school, aren't we! Hana joked.

I laughed, her smile and laugh were infectious.


-Take a seat next to one of your classmates.

We had now reached the classroom.

I wanted to sit next to Hana but I didn't dare ask her. The words wouldn't come out of my mouth.


I turned round.

-Shall we sit next to each other? Hana suggested, her big smile still on her lips.

-Yes! with pleasure.

It was the first time someone had sat next to me at school. This new life is really great!


Hana and I both jumped.

Behind us was a little boy. He had blue hair and blue eyes.

-My name's Daniel. What's yours?




I said goodbye to my teacher in a light tone. For the first time in my life, I had friends.


Mum, Aqua and Yuto were waiting for me at the gate, making great gestures.

I threw myself into their arms.

-So how was my darling? Akane asked me.

-It was great! We did lots of activities and I even made some friends! I exclaimed, a big smile on my face.

-Phew! sighed Aqua in relief. You really didn't look well when you left to join your class this morning.

I tensed, not wanting to talk about it again.

-We're off! We're off! Let's go !!!!! exclaimed Yuto.

He'd never seen a film set before, and my appointment to the role of Ume gave him the chance to find out more.

-Yes, yes, don't worry, Mum.

Aqua took me in her arms and lifted me up.

-Are you excited, Ai? he asked.


He smiled and put me in the car.


-Ah, the famous Ai! She's so pretty.

I looked up at the director, who seemed very friendly.

He handed me a booklet, which I took. On closer inspection I realised it was the script.

He knelt down, in an effort to get closer to my height.

-Your mum and dad will read it to you and you'll have to learn it. Right, Ai?

-She already knows how to read the Aqua information.

-Can she really? exclaimed the director. Isn't she only three?

-Yes, but I could already read at that age too.

-Then it must run in the family.

I distracted myself from the conversation to read my script.

As the actress who was to play Ume was very young, it was only a small part with few lines.

It would have been appropriate if I were really three years old, but I wasn't. I walked away a little.

I moved away a little as I read. It was a habit.

Suddenly someone jostled me.

I looked up angrily to see my assailant.

He had golden-brown hair and golden eyes.

He looked really angry.

-Is that you, Ai Hoshino? The bird of prey who stole the role of Ume from my little sister?!?

-Who are you anyway!?

-I'm Ko Oshikawa! Masachi's older brother, the one you stole Ume's role from. Just because you have famous parents doesn't mean you can get away with anything!

-I didn't steal anything! I exclaimed angrily.

He was about to reply violently when someone interrupted our exchange.

-Ai! Ko! You were there.

It was the director.

He put his hands on Ko's shoulders.

-My boy. This is Ai Hoshino, she's going to play Ume.

The young boy frowned. He already knew that.

-Ai, this is Ko Oshikawa. He'll be playing Yasuro, Tsurugi's son. I hope you get on well together because you'll be playing together a lot.

Hang on a minute. What?!?


That's it! 😂

So, who are you supporting? Ai or Ko? I want to know. 😎

Ko, Hana and Daniel will be important characters in Ai's story. A bit like Kana and MemCho for Ruby or Akane and Kana for Aqua.

Byyye! 😘


Ai Hoshino II Where stories live. Discover now