Chapter 14

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"Who wants to go out for some drinks?" Haewon asked after they had finished tidying the practice room after their dance practice.

"I'm in." Sooyoung replied.

"I can't. I have to go back home for my sister." Yoohyeon replied.

"Is she feeling any better?" Bora then asked, referring to the sick Jungeun.

"Yeah, it's going the right way. She's getting better pretty quickly. But we really want her to recover well so I don't think she will be back in school until after the weekend." Yoohyeon replied.

"Wish her well from the both of us then." Bora said with a small smile.

"Sure will." Yoohyeon said, smiling back at her.

"Bora, Siyeon, would you care to join us for a drink?" Haewon then asked.

"I don't know. I still have school tomorrow." Bora replied.

"Come on, we have some catching up to do. One day of school is not that important." Haewon said, trying to convince her old friend.

"Alright, fine then. Siyeon, do you want to come too?" Bora then said, giving in.

"Sure, why not." Siyeon replied shortly as she got up. She had tried to enjoy their dancing but the rage the hunter had caused had made it simply impossible.

"Well, let's go then. I know a nice bar." the short black haired girl said excitedly.

"You two are of legal drinking age right though?" Sooyoung then asked, just to be sure.

"Yeah, we're both 18." Bora replied.

"I'm 19 actually." Siyeon then corrected her.

"You are?" Bora asked surprised.

"I am. I was held back a year in high school." Siyeon explained.

"Oh, you're the same age as me then." Haewon said.

"Well, to me you are all babies." Sooyoung then said jokingly as she opened the door of the practice room and walked out, followed by the others who just laughed at her comment.

Sooyoung, Siyeon and Bora followed Haewon to the bar she was talking about and once they arrived there they sat down at an empty table.

Shortly after they had sat down a waiter came to their table to take their orders.

"What can I get you ladies?" the young man asked with a smile.

"We will have four bottles of soju and four beers please." Sooyoung ordered.

"You are all looking incredibly fair tonight girls so I will have to check your ID's." He said jokingly at which the four girls laughed as they took out their ID's and showed them to the man.

"Alright, thank you very much. Your order will be with you shortly." the waiter said before he left their table.

"Have you two even drank before?" Sooyoung then asked the youngest two.

"I have once, at a party I actually wasn't invited to. It was a mess." Bora answered.

"Elaborate please." Sooyoung then said, intrigued.

"So there was this girl in my class. We had been friends eversince we were little kids however I don't think we ever even really liked each other. Our parents were friends so we were kind of put together by them. Anyways, we had been best friends for pretty much all our lives until high school. When we entered high school, she became very popular and she put together this very exclusive friend group and I wasn't in it. I was so mad at her for dropping me like that. We had spend all summer together but as soon as school started it was like I didn't even exist and she never even knew me. I confronted her about it and she stopped ignoring my existence, but not in a good way. She just became incredibly mean to me and I was very mean back. We were always in some sort of fight. Then she celebrated her birthday this year and since she was turning 18 there was going to be alcohol. But she had made it very clear that I wasn't invited. I however still went with the intention to just crash it and make a mess. And I did. I had already drank a fair amount before I even arrived. So I got there, grabbed a bottle of red wine, got on the table, a whole speech prepared, planning to empty the bottle on her parents' white satin couch after my speech, and then, just as I was about to speak, I threw up all over the place." Bora explained, remembering the incident, laughing in embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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