Chapter 1

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"Stupid town." Bora mumbled to herself as she walked down the empty streets of the small town she moved to a little less than a week ago. She hadn't even been living with her aunt and uncle for a week and she had already fought with them. The main reason for their fight was that they just simply didn't understand her. They want her to go to school again tomorrow, which the brown haired girl didn't really appreciate. She needed more time. To get used to things and this town. Heck she had barely even gotten to know her aunt and uncle since they had literally never met before. And they wanted to send her to school already? A new school even! It had only been about 4 weeks since the incident, not even a week since she started living with her aunt and uncle, couldn't they understand that she needed more time? Apparently not, because when she told them that they just got mad at her, saying she should move on. Those words, move on, they angered her so much, and so she lashed out at them. How dare they say that to her? Move on. She had lost both her parents less than a month ago and her aunt was telling her to move on? To stop overreacting and to grow up? Who did they think they were to say such things to her? Did they not know she still cried herself to sleep every night? That she still woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and completely out of breath because she had nightmares? Did they think she wasn't hurting anymore? The answer is yes, they did.

She sighed as she stopped walking and leaned against the railing of the small wooden bridge she was standing on.

"I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it." she said to herself as she thought about the fight again, which she lost by the way.

She turned around to face the small creek beneath her and watched the slow running of the water.

She was just staring into the water, not trying to think too much, when the sudden crowing of a bird startled her and she flinched a bit. She looked at where the sound came from and saw a crow sitting at the end of the wooden railing.

"Jeez." she said as she let out a deep breath, looking at the crow. Her gaze then shifted from the crow to the large forest behind it. She looked up at the tips of the large trees and she felt a shiver run down her spine at the sight of the big dark looking forest. Although the idea of walking around in a forest at night all alone frightened her a bit, she still felt a certain desire to enter the forest and she felt weirdly drawn to it.

Without thinking too much she slowly started walking towards the forest and once she was at the edge, she entered it.

She walked into the forest, not sure where to go as she didn't know the way, she just followed her feeling.

She felt a shiver run down her spine when a cold breeze hit her and suddenly she regretted walking out without a coat or jacket after the fight. It was quiet in the forest, almost too quiet, and although the sound of the leaves crackling under her feet was there, it still felt utterly silent. Slowly but surely the forest started to creep her out and she soon regretted entering it and decided to walk back, at least, if she knew the way.

She looked around and realised she had no idea where she was, where she came from, or where to go.

The more she looked around, the more lost she got, and she started to panic a little. She started walking into a random direction, hoping she would somehow find her way back.

As she walked, the silence from earlier slowly disappeared and she started to notice all kinds of sounds. The crackling of leaves, the rustling of bushes and trees, the wind, and although the silence was rather creepy, all these sounds creeped her out more and she started to miss the silence.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard some rustling behind her and she quickly turned around but she didn't see anything. When she heard rustling behind her again she turned around again but again there was nothing.

Blood in the Water | A Loona x Dreamcatcher storyWhere stories live. Discover now