Chapter 9

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"Well, well, well, hi there." Jungeun heard an all too familiar voice say behind her as she put some stuff in her locker and she frowned, unsure what the girl was doing at her school.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked the girl.

"I am here to pick you up. Did you not get my text?" she asked her little sister.

"No, wait." Jungeun said as she took out her phone only to see that she had indeed received a message from her sister a few hours ago.

"I didn't see it." she said.

"That's okay. We should probably go now though." the older girl said a bit impatiently. She came to pick her sister up for a reason and there was no time to waste. Their father wanted them home as soon as possible.

"Wait, why did you come to pick me up?" the younger then asked, confused. Her sister never came to pick her up and with the way she was rushing she wondered if there was something wrong.

"Dad just asked me to. He told me we should go home immediately. He said it was urgent." the older girl said.

"But I can't go home yet. I am meeting up with some friends after school. Was it really that urgent or can it wait?" she asked, not wanting to cancel her plans. She finally had friends and plans to hang out for the first time in well, pretty much forever. Having to cancel them would be the worst. She couldn't cancel. What if they didn't want to hang out with her anymore if she cancelled now?

"It's important Jungeun, so I'm afraid you are going to have to cancel your plans, sorry." the older girl said and at that she looked down.

"But my plans are important too Yooh. You know I have never been great at making friends. I've never even really had friends. I don't want to cancel." she said.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you'll have to. Can't you reschedule?" the older girl asked.

"No, I mean, I don't know but, can't whatever it is you are here to pick me up for just wait? This means a lot to me Yooh." Jungeun tried again, trying to convince her older sister.

"No, it can't wait. Now just cancel and come with me, end of discussion." the older girl said with a sigh of annoyance. She knew this meant a lot to her little sister but this was more important than some high school friends. She also thought her sister was overreacting a little and that she was just being difficult again.

"No, I won't go with you. I am going to hang out with my friends." the younger girl said stoically.

"For the love of God Jungeun stop overreacting and come with me. It's just a hangout with some friends, don't be dramatic. Why do you always have to be so difficult." the older girl said, rolling her eyes at her little sister's behaviour.

"What? I'm being difficult? Do you have any idea how hard it is to be alone all the time. To, when everyone else is happily together, be all alone. To be made fun of by other kids. It hurts Yoohyeon. But I guess you don't understand that. How could you? You were always the popular girl who made fun of the kids like me, and who had boys lined up for her who wanted to date her, and girls lined up to be her friend. But life isn't like that for me and I am fucking lonely Yoohyeon!" the younger then said, raising her voice at the last part, before she turned her back at her older sister and stormed off.

She didn't know exactly why but after what her sister said to her she just snapped. She was done being called difficult and dramatic. It already hurt enough when her classmates would say that to her, she didn't need to hear it from her sister as well. She was supposed to be on her side. She was supposed to protect her and keep her safe like a real older sister, but she never did. They didn't have such a relationship. They didn't have that sisterly bond Jungeun had always hoped they would have. Jungeun had always been closer to her older brother. But she lost contact with him when he suddenly left the house one day and moved god knows where. After his departure she tried to bond a little with her sister but it never worked out. They were just too different.

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