Chapter 2

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"What the hell were you thinking?!" Siyeon heared upon arriving at home, a hand grabbing her by the throat and roughly pushing her against the wall.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." she lied to the angry looking woman pinning her against the wall.

"Don't play dumb with me Siyeon." the woman warned her.

"They were going to kill her. I couldn't just let them." she said.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done? What you've risked? You should feel damn grateful I cleaned up after your ass or else we would be done with!" the woman yelled at her. Siyeon didn't reply, she just rolled her eyes. This wasn't the first time they were having this argument.

"Look, I don't like that they just kill random people either but we can't afford to get involved alright." the woman said.

"They are killing innocent people Hyunjin! Am I just supposed to watch them do that? Watch them kill people like they killed my parents?! Your parents?!" Siyeon yelled back at her older cousin.

"Yes. I know it sounds harsh but we can't risk it. What if I didn't clean up after you huh? They would find two of their own, dead, killed by a werewolf. They'd know we aren't dead. That we survived. And then they'd come for us to finish what they'd started long ago and then we'd all be dead Siyeon! You are playing a dangerous game Siyeon, dangerous to all of us, not just you." the older girl said.

"I know the risk I am taking and I think it's worth it if it means saving innocent people." Siyeon said.

"Really? It's worth it? Is it really? So our lives are worth it? Do you think it'll still be worth it once they find us and make you watch how they suck the life out of your little sister like a human juice box?" she dared.

"No! I would never let anyone hurt Gahyeon! I know what I'm doing, they will never find out." the younger girl said.

"No, you don't and yes, they will. Look Siyeon, the vampires killed everyone except for us but they don't know we're alive and think they killed us all. The hunters also think we're dead. That is why we hide. To protect ourselves from them since we would never win in a fight with them. But you going out there, killing vampires, it puts everything at risk. Do you not understand that?" the older girl asked.

"Yes I do. But I can't just watch them kill people. Not after I watched them kill my family and friends." Siyeon said.

"I get that you are angry. So am I. I would love to kill every single one of them. But we can't. Because it's only the four of us and god knows how many of them. Going up against them would be a suicide mission." Hyunjin said, hoping to get through to her younger cousin.

"But we can't just let them get away with this! They deserve to die, all of them. And I will try my hardest to take care of them." the younger said through gritted teeth.

"Siyeon, stop playing superhero! This isn't some fairytale, or action movie, where the world is ruled by evil but suddenly a hero shows up and saves the world. This is reality. And here there is no hero. No one that will come and save us!" Hyunjin yelled.

"So we're just supposed to let them?" Siyeon asked weakly.

"Yes, that's what's best for us, all of us. Siyeon, you are trying to fight a war you cannot win. We can't afford to care about others. We have to care about only ourselves and protect only ourselves. The sooner you wrap your head around it the better." the older said but Siyeon shook her head.

"Siyeon we lost! We lost and they almost wiped out our entire kind! Take your loss and move on with your life. Go to school, get a job, try to live a normal life." Hyunjin said.

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