Regulus felt a sting of disappointment as he carefully placed the final book in its place, he wasn't ready for them to be finished just yet. Fleamont patted him gently on the shoulder as they admired their hard work.

"Thank you for your help Regulus. It's been a lot of fun." Fleamont smiled at Regulus. Regulus only managed a polite shrug and a nod, desperately trying to conceal his sadness. In truth, Regulus was sad at the thought of feeling empty again. For the first week in the Potter house he had wandered around aimlessly, or spent whole days staring into the garden. He had avoided Sirius and James. He had wanted to be left alone, but now he didn't. This 'job' had given him something to look forward, a sense of achievement and a sense of purpose. But now it was over. Fleamont, being the wise man and terrific father that he is, had anticipated Regulus's disappointment at finishing the work and had a surprise for the boy. He crossed over to the large desk that sat in the middle of the library and pulled a wrapped package from its top draw. He leaned back casually on the desk and extended the package for Regulus to take.

Regulus hesitated for a long time before finally reaching forward and taking the gift. It was rectangular, wrapped in beautiful, floral paper. He carefully unwrapped it, peeling away the tape, not wanting to rip the paper. He glanced up at Fleamont. Regulus's mouth was open in shock, and his eyes were gleaming with tears. He looked back down at the gift; it was a book. Regulus gently ran his fingers over the faded red cover, feeling the grooves of the golden, printed title 'A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens'.

"It's a muggle book, of course, but it's very good. It's a first edition, my father gave it to me when I was a child. It's been my favourite ever since and now I'd like to pass it on to you" Fleamont said.

"Thank you, Sir...but what about James? Won't he want it? It's an heirloom, it belongs to him." Regulus held the book back out to the man.

Fleamont just shook his head and placed his hand over Regulus's on the book, pushing it back towards him. "James would lose it or use it as a Quaffle, he's got plenty of other priceless items to inherit" He laughed "I would like for you to have this." He smiled at the boy, watching as he handled the book so delicately. Regulus looked up at him again, unable to say anything through fear he might start crying with happiness. Then, something remarkable happened. For the first time since the two had met, for the first time in a long time, for the first time since Sirius left him, Regulus smiled.

A week later and Regulus was about to finish the book for the third time when he was called to the kitchen. When he pushed through the door, he found Mrs Potter rushing around the room, turning pages in multiple cookbooks, throwing whisks around and surrounded by a cloud of flour. She had her hair in a very messy updo, she was wearing an apron that was emblazoned with the Gryffindor crest, and she was very red in the face. She sighed with relief when she spotted Regulus.

"Oh, thank Godric! My saviour has arrived. Please could you give me a hand? If you're not too busy" They both knew he wasn't busy and they both knew he would gladly help but she felt she had to ask anyway. "Fleamont didn't think to mention that we were due to host a gathering this evening. I've got so much to do, and I could do with an extra set of hands. It seems that Sirius and James have vanished, quite conveniently for them, if you ask me." She tutted slightly. Regulus had already moved over to the sink to wash his hands and he nodded at her. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead with her arm, spreading flour over her face accidentally. Regulus smiled inwardly and prepared for his first cooking lesson.

Mrs Potter had been the perfect teacher and Regulus thought to himself that maybe she was in the wrong profession. With Regulus being underage and therefore unable to use magic, the process was slower, but Mrs Potter didn't mind this at all. She cast a few charms wherever necessary, to keep things progressing as she taught Regulus, but for the most part they cooked by hand. She showed him how to properly knead the dough for the bread, how to sauté potatoes, how to temper chocolate and when they'd finished Regulus would be able to recite the exact measurements for fifteen different dessert recipes. She chatted happily to the boy for hours, about times she'd cooked these dishes before, where the best chocolate she'd ever had was from, how she'd almost burned her house down trying to cook caramel once. Regulus relished being in the presence of Euphemia. She radiated positivity, love and light and he felt better every second he spent with her.

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