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**Poppy:** Hey Branch! 🌸

**Branch:** Hey Poppy. What's up?

**Poppy:** Just wanted to say I love you! 😊

**Branch:** Aw, I love you too, Poppy. More than all the glitter in the world. 🌟

**Poppy:** Really? Even more than your grumpiness? 😉

**Branch:** Haha, okay, maybe not THAT much. But close! 😜

**Poppy:** You're silly. But seriously, you mean everything to me. 💖

**Branch:** Same here, Poppy. You're my sunshine on the cloudiest days. ☀️

**Poppy:** Aww, that's so sweet! I'm blushing. 🙈

**Branch:** Just stating the truth, Poppy. Can't wait to see you later. 😊

**Poppy:** Me too, Branch! Let's have a fun day together. 🎉

**Branch:** Definitely. Love you, Poppy.

**Poppy:** Love you too, Branch. Always and forever. 💕

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